(Request) Love

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Request: Could you write a sequel to Hidden Love where Henry confesses his feelings to Charles and Ellie?

Based off ch 31, Hidden Love


Sitting them down together as a trio with no issue in Henry's bedroom wasn't as difficult as he'd initially expected at first so at least he had something going in his favor. Now the pair are sitting opposite to him, likely confused to why they're brought to his little abode; nobody beside them was allowed in. It didn't help he stared at them long and hard, stewing in awkward silence figuring out what to say. Picking up the smallest detail to them as if he's going to miss something important he got the strength to approach the topic he was burying for weeks.

"I love you two" Henry finally went to admit, becoming awkward spitting the words out so suddenly keeping his eyes glued firmly to his lap. 


Then snapping his head up, glancing over at Charles, the pilot tilted his head to the side, doe eyed, staring up at him with knowing curiosity. 

"Not surprised though" 

"Yeah, Hen. It was so obvious" Ellie retorts matter-of-fact. "Me and Char. We noticed easily the way you look at us. How you would react whenever we're around clicked in for us"

Charles interjected right after, shrugging his shoulders while swaying in his spot inching closer, "Yeah. You get this really cute lovey dovey sparkle in your eyes. It's adorable. You freeze like a startled deer caught in the headlights when we speak to you, not as bad as it once was in the beginning but still" 

"Why didn't you say something to us earlier though?" 

Henry stiffened. "I. Didn't know how to say it. And I was afraid you two would reject me… Then it would've been awkward. I didn't want to ruin our friendship" 

"Do you really think it would've ruined our friendship? How would you know that it would've done the other effect?" Ellie's hand gently held onto his, "We care so much for you, Henry. A lot to be truthful and to put it out in the open. We love you too" 

"And much more than in a friendly manner if you have to know what we mean there, Hen" Charles jokes, an attempt to lighten the mood. "We'll do anything for you. All you have to is to just be open with us" 

It had done the trick as Henry wasn't tense anymore, "Yeah, I do… You guys actually like me then? I'm really relieved then" 

"Of course, we do. You shouldn't have to be shy with us. We know you better then that"  

Smiling, the tension built up was melting, Henry allowed them to get near, their bodies were warmly cozy next to his, and he got clingy again needy for their love. 

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