Chapter 15. Donna

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Donna's POV 

"Mama is that fire?"  "Yes sweetie i think so" Fuck how am i gonna get her out of here in time.

"Oke Sara listen to me good. Run as fast as you can towards that door. Specifically that door!" I shouted while pointing at the door. In no time Sara ran there but stopped and looked at me "Mama why are you not running?!" She shouted because of the distance 

"Because mommy is injured and weak so save yourself!"  "But ma-" 

She looked at the door in confusion. "Mommy i think someone locked the door?" 

"WHAT!? NO NO NO!!" I panicked while running towards that door. Turning the handle as fast as i could but to no avail.

"FUCK OPEN THIS DOOR!! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!! HELP!!" I kept shouting help repeatedly but no one hurt. A small series of coughs erupted next to me snapping me out of me desperate plees of help.

I looked at Sara and noticed how much smoke entered the room so i ripped a part of my shirt and held it on her mouth.

"Here baby hold it there!"   I told her while putting her hand in front of her mouth. 

With all the power i had i did my best to kick open the door. But i felt myself grow weaker and weaker by the second. 

I finally managed to get the door open but couldn't keep my legs up anymore so i fell to my knees. 

"Sara run out now!" "But what about you?!" "Now! And as your mother you are forced to listen! Go!" I ordered her to go. Luckily she listen and ran as fast as her little legs could go. Crying loudly as she ran. 

My body couldn't hold me anymore so i fell to the floor. In the distance i could hear someone shout my name but I wasn't able to respond. I vaguely saw a figure standing before me. But my eyes decided to close, all i could remember was my body being lifted up. The rest was deep dark blackness, a never ending darkness.

Suddenly jumping up from my laying position completely startled and confused because I wasn't in my own room or in the red room. It didn't take long to realize that I woke up to a unfamiliar room, my first instinct was to look around and search for potential threats. So i looked at the left side and saw Xander and River asleep, River had a sleeping Matteo using his body as an bed. In front of me was a sleeping Vincenzo and Amelia laying tangled in each other, next to them was a sleeping Xavier. On the left side was Katrina and Sara both sleeping peacefully. Everyone looked peaceful and uninjured, luckily. 

Suddenly the door opened and Ace walked in. He looked at me awake and smiled sickeningly sweet. "How are you?" "Im good, just have a dry throat." "Ah Katrina guessed that so she made sure that there was water within your reach for when you woke up." He pointed to the table next to me. 

I grabbed the bottle and nearly gulped it down in one go. Ace in the meantime walked over to the chair next to my bed and sat on it. "You know i have to tell you something very very important.." he started "______________" 

He whispered something in my ear causing me to widen my eyes in shock.

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