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Sirens wailed in my ears, but they could barely be heard over the crackling of a large, white fire that had taken over my home.

"MOM!! DAD!!" Once I finally came to my senses, I cried for my family, but all that could be heard was barking and growling and howling from my throat. My quirks.. they finally manifested. And I couldn't control them. At first, it was a small change. I had gained black wolf ears and a tail. I was so excited I just ran around, tail swishing back and forth. Then, after a while, I got so excited, I turned into a small, black wolf with red markings covering it's pelt, and white flames took over my paws. And with that, I had set the house on fire. My mom tried to get me out of there, but she told me to run when she tripped over a burning bookshelf. Without hesitation, I kept running. Not realizing that my father hadn't come out of his office or that my mother wasn't following behind. The house collapsed once I had escaped.

"THAT WOLF. IT HAS TO BE THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE. IT HAS THE MARKINGS OF THE DEVIL!!" I could barely understand what the crazed woman was saying about me, but it didn't take long to realize when animal control showed up and hooked one of their wired leads around my neck and started pulling on me, aggressively. Not allowing me a chance to think, I was forced to fight back. The lead hurt as it buried itself deep in my fur. I yelped in pain as I tried pulling away even further, a little relieved it started pulling him with me. He pulled harder and I yelled in pain as blood started running down my chest.

"GET OFF ME!!!" I yelled as I turned and bit down on the lead, yanking it from his grasp and hitting some other people with the end of it. I tried to break it, but when I couldn't, I started running for my life. Someone else grabbed the lead, causing the pain in my throat to increase. If I couldn't get away, they'd kill me with it, drowning in my own blood. I soon turned and bit their hand, hard, before running away even further. I heard some people try to run after me, but I ran into the bushes and away from the public. Their yells soon died out and I found myself at a river bank. I was so tired, I collapsed onto the gravel, the water running over my wounds, turning the water red with blood. The pain was so much to bear, I blacked out.

Eventually, I heard a familiar voice call out for his mother and I felt rough, but small hands hold my head up. He quickly dropped me, realizing how easily my neck was moving, due to the permanent wounds that had been inflicted on me by a bunch of random citizens.

"MOM, HELP!!" I heard him call. Running footsteps came closer before a woman burst through the bushes and yelped in surprise. I felt her pick me up, gently, but I could barely move.

"Let's get you to the hospital, yeah? Have you seen Hino anywhere, Katsuki?" I heard her ask.

"No... Is she okay?"

"K-K.... Katsu..ki..." I tried to speak, but all they heard was soft growling and whines. Now I knew it was Mitsuki that carried me out of the river bank and to the vet. They protested, knowing what happened, but she hit them with a smack on the back of their heads and demanding that I get treated. They quickly obliged and took me in for surgery. I don't remember much after that other than the fact I woke up in a cage in a place that reeked of medicine and weird lotions. I tried to eat or drink, but it stung to even move my head. I soon unlocked the cage with my paw, pushing the hook out of the socket and opening the door.

I quickly ran out and jumped out a window, making my way back to my home. The entire place burned down and my breath hitched as I saw a hand, limp, over a broken table. I ran over and nudged it, licking and trying to get the rubble to move out of the way, but nothing budged. I teared up and ran to the only place I could trust that was close enough to my place. The Bakugo family residence.

I scratched on the door repeatedly, whining and barking softly. Once the door opened, I smiled a little, seeing the happy face of Katsuki, who picked me up and hugged me, saying,

"Mom! The dog's okay! Can I keep her? Please, please, please?" He begged. Mitsuki smiled warmly as my mother always did whenever I asked something, and allowed it. Life got better, being with my best friend. I quickly learned how to go back and forth from my human form and my wolf form. Aside from having to be taken to the vet for stitches once a week, I was happy again. No one knew who I was and I knew that was for the best. 

What Happened...? // A Bakugo X Hino Akuma fanficWhere stories live. Discover now