Beach Wedding

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       Here is the next plot of the random roleplay. This is suppose to be posted later after a few more plots, but they were deleted. RIP Just wanted to make it clear so ppl don't think the relationship was rushed or anything. 

I do NOT own the characters. :( 


A couple of months ago, Cleo and Max became a couple after he took her on a date to KFC. But as time went by, they realized they really cared about each other. So 1 day, Max asked Cleo if she would marry him. And she said yes. So they been engaged for a while now. But now, today is the big day. 

Also known as their wedding day. Max has decided that they were going to have a beach wedding. Which meant they were going to have their wedding at the beach.  Everyone who was invited was in their bedrooms. At one point, Alex had enough of the hangout being all dirty and them being cooped up.  So she asked Rachel if she could use her magic to make a mansion for them to all live in. So that's where they currently live. I know what you're thinking, Alex has magic and could of done it herself...right? 

  Let me explain. This happened after Max and Cleo's engagement. Luke Ross, a 18 year old teen has appeared and became good friends with everyone. Alex has broken up with her werewolf boyfriend Mason. She was heartbroken from what he has done. Both her brother Max and her friend Luke told her that she deserves better then that. 

 Alex then began to hang out with Luke alot since they met. They both realized at one point that they liked each other. But Alex remembered the wizard rule. That wizards and mortals cannot be together. So she had to make a choice. So she decided to give up her magic just to be with Luke and now they're a couple, making Alex lose her magic. That's why she can't make the mansion herself. 

  Anyways, everyone was in their bedrooms, getting ready for the wedding. Well, almost everyone. Mal was out in the living room, thinking. She decided since she is a queen (Of Auradon at least lol) that maybe it would be a good idea if she was the announcer of their wedding. So she decided to ask the engaged couple. The purple dragon girl headed over to Max's bedroom and knocks on the door. "Max?" she calls out through his door. Max was on the other side, getting his wedding suit on as he hears the knock and Mal talking. He then takes a deep breath. "Yes?" he asks. "It's Mal. I was wondering, since I'm a queen, if I could be the announcer at your wedding?" she asks through the door. 

  Max thought about it for a second as he was finished getting dressed up. He then opens his door and saw Mal standing there.  "Yes, s-sure. That would be cool" he replied. Mal smiled. "Thank you. Just wanted to get permission first" she tells the wizard. Max smiled back. "Of course. Just make sure you ask Cleo too. But I'm fine with it" he said. "Of course" Mal said, smiling. "I'll see you later" she said, walking away from Max and towards Cleo's bedroom. 

  Max nods as he watches Mal walk away. He then closes his door while taking a deep breath. He was nervous and he knows he is. He was getting married after all. Meanwhile, Mal arrives at Cleo's room and knocks on the door. Cleo was in her room, but she wasn't ready yet. She had just gotten out the shower and was in a purple bathrobe as she heard the knocking on her door. She opens the door and saw Mal standing there. "Hi Mal. Everything okay?" she asks the dragon girl. "Yeah, I was just wondering if I can be the announcer at your wedding" Mal said. 

  Cleo nods her head. "Sure, that would be lovely" she replied. "Awesome" Mal said. Cleo nods her head. "Well, see ya" Mal said. Cleo watches as Mal walked into her own bedroom and closed the door. Cleo closes her own door to get ready herself. Moments later, Mal, Gar, Troy, and Luke walks out of their rooms and downstairs towards the living room. "We should head to the beach" Mal suggested. "I'm going to wait here for Rachel first" Gar tells her. Mal nods her head and uses her magic to appear at the beach. 

 Gar was waiting for Rachel as Troy and Luke also heads towards the beach. The green titan goes to Rachel's door and knocks on it. "Who's there?" Rachel asks from the other side of the door. "It's me Gar" Gar says, laughing cutely. "I'm waiting for you so we can head to the beach together" he continues. "Awesome" Rachel said. A few seconds later, she opens her bedroom door and stood there in the doorway. 

  She was in a dark blue dress with black lace at the bottom and black leather boots. She looked embarrassed, so she crosses her arms. "I hate dressing up" she tells her boyfriend. Gar was looking at Rachel and his eyes widen. "You look amazing" he stutters while looking at her. She looks at him. "Really? I just threw this on" she tells him. "Yes" was all he said. He smiles and then gives Rachel a hug. She hugs him back and then pulls out the hug. "Should we go meet the others?" she asks, holding out her hand and smiling a little. He smiles and grabs her hand. "Sure" he answered, as he smiles as well.  (They are so cute!!! They need to date on Titans!) 

   The couple walks outside and towards the beach. Couple minutes later, Max walks out his room. He was finally ready. But to make sure, he walks in the bathroom and looks in the mirror. He was still looking nervous. 

Max's confessional: "Is it this weird to be nervous for the wedding?" 

   Meanwhile, Gar and Rachel arrives at the beach. "We made it" Gar said. He looks at all the decorations. They all matched the beach theme. "Whoa, I love weddings" he continued. Rachel looks at him. "This is my 1st time at a wedding" she tells him. Gar smiles. "It should be fun" he replied. "Maybe"Rachel said. The couple walks over to the chairs and took their seats.  They saw Luke and Troy sitting nearby. 

Luke's Confessional: "Is Alex here yet?" 

  Rachel was reading his mind as Alex ran up to them. She was in a purple dress. "There she is" Rachel tells Luke. He notices Alex and smiles. "Hey Alex" he said. "Hey" was all Alex said, before she took her seat next to him. 

  Back at the mansion, Max was looking around. He was making sure the coast was clear. Since Cleo's mermaid friend Bella didn't know he was a wizard. And he wanted to keep it that way. He saw that it was clear and used magic to make himself appear at the beach. He takes a deep breath. Alex looks at Luke. "Is my brother here yet?" she asks. Luke looks around. He saw Max. "Yep" he said, pointing. They look over and  notice that he was looking nervous.  "he looks nervous" Luke said. "It's normal to be nervous" Alex said. Rachel saw two girls she didn't notice walking over and taking a seat. (It was Emma and Rikki) "Must be friends of Cleos" She says, quietly. 

   Max was near  a table and grabs a bottle of water. He drinks it nervously. Alex looks at Luke. "Cleo must be nervous too. I think weddings are cute. I wouldn't be nervous if it were me" she says. Luke smiles and wraps his arm round Alex. Mal walks over to the front as  wedding music starts to play.  Max hears the music and starts walking towards the front. 

Max's confessional: "Here we go" 

  Meanwhile, Cleo walks out of her bedroom. She was in her white wedding dress and wearing the white vail on her head. She looks down to make sure it wasn't wrinkled or anything. "I-" she began to say, as someone knocks on the front door. She opens it and there stood Bella. "Oh hi Bella" Cleo said. "Here to help walk you to the beach. Are you ready?" Bella asks. "I guess" Cleo said. "Great" Bella said. She smiles and carefully helps Cleo walk over to the beach. She wanted to make sure she was careful and didn't ruin the dress Cleo was wearing. 


So thats it for the first chapter. Next one will be posted soon. 

Thanks for reading :)

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