6: Rivalry

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[T/W: Physical fighting, abuse.]

"Nah, cause Cookies & Cream are the best flavour."

"Are you absolutely out of your mind?!"

I began blinking rapidly, the Sun was streaming directly into my portion of the tent as the door was open. I could see a figure in front of it but couldn't quite make out who it was.

"No, I'm being perfectly logical. It's closely seconded by the confetti ones."

"I don't converse with madmen."

I stretched myself upward, noting how ridiculously uncomfortable my back was. Bon and Koneko had the right idea yesterday on the bus.

"What the hell are you guys even talking about?" I asked to no-one in particular whilst rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, (Y/N), you're awake," Shiemi smiled brightly.

"This absolute lunatic is trying to explain what Pop Tarts are superior and he is oh-so-clearly misinformed," Izumo huffed.

"Just because you're the most bitter person ever doesn't mean you can't enjoy the sweet delicacies life has to offer," Shima smiled to her. I should've known it was him when I heard him talking about sweets.

"Why are you here, Shima?" I asked grumpily.

"I'm here to wake you sleeping beauties for today's events!"

"And you've managed to cause such disruption already?" I asked, head in my hands, desperately trying to come to earth, "Sounds like you."

"You get me," he smiled, "Let's go girls, Rin's making breakfast!"

"Well, that was a hell of a wakeup call," Izumo remarked, widely opening her eyes and standing up as much as she could in the small space, "Can you pass me the hairbrush?"

Shiemi handed her over her purple brush, then got herself up, "I got ready earlier so I'll meet you guys over at the logs, 'kay?"

"Okay," Izumo and I replied in unison.

I took on the great challenge of rolling everyone's comforters up nicely, grabbing my things to get ready, the thought of Rin's cooking giving me a little extra motivation. After throwing my clothes on and fixing my hair, I followed Izumo out the tent to the logs where the air felt unbelievably fresh compared to the tent's condensed air.

Our friendship - or should I say acquaintanceship? Whatever it was, it was going a bit smoother but wasn't entirely mended. I definitely felt the ice from her whenever we were in the same proximity.

"Morning, Mr. Okumura," I smiled, passing by him.

"Morning. The guys are already digging into breakfast so you better get a move on."

He didn't need to tell me twice; I made my way over and began to grab a few things to put on my plate. The buffet-style breakfast was enough to make anyone feel excited for the day ahead.

"Hi guys," I addressed everyone, receiving a chorus of 'hi's' back as I sat beside Bon. "How are you?"

"Tired," Bon remarked, eating his food, "Looking forward to the training."

I nodded, taking a long swig of coffee that had been placed out for me by Shiemi. "I'm kinda nervous. First practical assignment and all."

He copied me in taking a drink, "Yeah, but you'll be fine. Just trust your gut. You've got it," he encouraged lightly.

I smiled, finishing off the rest of the delicious breakfast and placing my dishes in the small sink.

"Thanks for breakfast, Rin," I said as I walked past him. He smiled and nodded.

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