Lilith was born on the 17th of November, 2004. Her sister, Delilah, was born a few years after Lilith, making her the oldest of her siblings.
She currently lives with her mother, the former guardian of space and time, and currently weilds her ancestors powers, making Lilith the new protector of the portal. Since her ancestors had a history of ruling space and time dimensions, her mother along with Lilith, also got this power. It was declared that, when she turned 16, Lilith would be the new Guardian, and her mother would soon step down. After Lilith was declared the new ruler, she trained hard every day to get stronger, also having taken mandatory self defence and protection courses. After about 4 months training, Lilith thought it was time to visit other dimensions, where The Tragedy would first occur.She continued to help and fight off evil beings trying to invade the lands of her home, when a year later, a man called Sakaki No Yume would soon arrive into the almost deserted village called _____, and he was powerful. His motive was to, as he put it, "Take over this pathetic land, and the people in it."
The ____ village was not very populated and quite poor, having it's land consisting of mostly desert and huts, but still had it's ruler, Eshima ____. Eshima would try and reason with Sakaki, but to no avail. When he announced that he would be taking over Eshimas land and the people, he sent out a warning to the town. At the time, Delilah, Lilith's younger sister, was staying there, helping out around the town. Unfortunately she did not weild the exact power as Lilith, having only a shielding and healing power, but it wasn't nearly as strong to face Sakai alone with. Once she heard the news, she tried to tell her sister, Lilith about what was happening to the town, but because Sakaki had blocked off outside communication with the town, she was unable to. A few nights before the invasion, Lilith got the news from her Former Knight that Sakaki was planning to take over and rule ____. In order to try and protect herself and the others, she gathered her warriors and began to prepare for the biggest challenge of her life. Saving, ____.
After thorough preparation, Lilith's team went through the portal, and onto the battlefield. She knew Sakai was strong, but she also knew that she could attempt to banish him from the land, if all else failed. One by one, her faithful warriors slowly perished at the hands of Sakaki. Except one. She had black metallic hair, red eyes, and a drive of anger, protection and determination. She had slowly risen again with stiff joints, every movement causing immense pain. She looked Sakaki dead in the eyes. She was going to be the one to kill him, to stop all of this death and destruction. To finally, have the lands be at peace with each other. She hated war and violence, especially if it were towards her fellow comrades, much more the ruler.And so, she ran. She ran straight forward towards the enemy, dust from the slight wind picking up her feet, bending her sphere and bounding off of it, aiming dead for Sakakis eyes. She looked over at Lilith. She was so strong. She was lucky to have her as her trainer. Her companion. Her friend.
"LILITH, NOW!" she boomed, signalling to her. Lilith nodded, just as the brave warrior was about to stab Sakakis eye out. Lilith used all of her might to open up the portal of Null, a place of no return. She was able to trap Sakaki into the portal, just as Sakaki reflected the warriors attack, causing her to be knocked back onto the ground. Once Lilith was sure she had him trapped, she noticed. She ran over as fast as she could to her noble warrior, however, it seemed she had been knocked almost unconscious. Lilith then gasped a tiny bit, seeing that the sphear had struck one of her internal arteies.
"Hey," Lilith spoke in a desolate tone, "come on now ____, please don't die on me here..." Her eyes widened a little as ___ started to slowly open her eyes to see Lilith, and she smiled gently.
"My leader..." She spoke softly, "I have done it. I have finally brought peace into this world.."
Liliths eyes filled up with tiny tears as she held her in her arms.
"And... It's all thanks to you. Your training..." She coughed, "has made me into who I am today."She has the power to open a selection of different portals, although not every one.
No one except Lilith's family and Hunter, her brother, can visit their dimension, which is why Lilith might have gotten so defensive when BF and GF found their way there. The Hell dimension is protected by a very strong barrier which not even Lilith herself can break through. Lilith is very strong. Lilith is the (ruler) of time and space. When Lilith was younger, she hired mouse robots from different portals to play with. Her mother was not happy and took her powers away for a month. Lilith has almost always been alone, having not been able to visit earth as it may affect the dimension here, which is also why she only has a set number of portals she can go through.