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A/N: So I've made a little key for these shots, 'X' meaning a ship shot (EG. Thoma X Reader) and '+' just being a general fluff shot (EG. Bennett + Reader) anyways, enjoy :)

~ KLEE + READER (also a bit of Jean)~

You entered the Knights Of Favonius' Headquarters, not for anything serious, you just wanted to pay Jean a visit. You recently got her into self-care, and by that, you forced her to. You've been helping Jean loosen up a bit and helped her schedule in some breaks for herself. 


"Come in!"

You entered her office. "Ah! Y/N, it's nice to see you aga-" Jean was cut off by a loud shout. "Y/N!!!!!!" Klee jumped onto you and into your arms. "I missed you! Also, guess what?" Klee grinned widely as she waited for your response. Jean chuckled as she watched you both. "Yeah?" You fixed her little hat. "I haven't been grounded at all this week! And it's now Friday!" Klee's grin widened. "Yeah? Well, if it's okay with Jean, do you want to go out and look for some fruits to pick up? I'm planning on making a pie if you two want to help?" You let Klee down and turned to Jean, the two of you with somewhat pleading faces. 

"Well... I don't see why not! Plus, the schedule you've made me does say I have a break period now." Jean smiled at the two of you, getting out of her chair. "Well I'm glad you're taking the time to use it, now shall we get going?" You signalled the two to follow you.


"Y/NNNNN, is it possible to make a pie with Valberries?" Klee had been asking you and Jean questions for a good 2 hours now, you can't say you were annoyed with her because you found it very adorable, and you were sure Jean thought so too. "Well, it depends, do you want to make it possible?" Jean picked out some Sunsettia off of a near tree. "Yes, yes, yes!! Let's do it!" Klee jumped in excitement.

"We should head to Starsnatch Cliff then?" You guys weren't too far from it either. "Mhm, it's very common to find them there! Ah, and also Klee... You better not blow up anything or else it won't just you being grounded but you won't have any of the pie either." It was almost as if you had to make a deal with Klee to make her listen or you had to bribe her. "Okay! I can do that!! Now let's gooooooo!!!!!"

After a while of picking out Valberries, the three of you found yourselves eating the Sunsettias and Valberries by themselves and never actually made the pie. Oh well-

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