Friday Download

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Part One 

Phoebe's POV

"Mia, its on" i shouted up the stairs. Me and my best firend Mia love Friday Download, every friday she comes around mine to watch it. I love Ceallach spellman, I think he's gorgeous. Mia loves Aidan.

"Ok, ok im coming" She said running in. We both screamed as they came on the tv.


"And that is movie download complete" Cel finnished. I nearly fainted.

"Hey guys Aidan here, how would you like to win two tickets to come down hear for a meet and greet, and take a tour around the Friday Download studio" I looked at Mia, she looked at me. "Just awnser this question 'What year was the Friday Download built?' send in you're awnsers by email, hope to see two of you lucky winners soon, good luck, bye"

"Oh-My-God, Mia, i cant breathe, we have to  go, quick get the laptop" I said with excitment.

"Phoebe, do you even know what the awsner is"

"No i was hoping you did..."

"Nope i dont. We just have to guess and hope we get it" Mia smiled.

Richard's POV

"Ok, you guys are finished for the day" Our director said. I was so tierd, it been a really long day. I was in my dressing room with Aidan, Cel and Tyger.

"Oh My God mate cant wait to go home" Cel said throwing himself on the sofa.

"So then, you two, we need to get you both a girl" Tyger winked.

"Yeah, i wonder if i can be with Rhianna" Cel said. We all looked at him.

"Cel, shut up" Aidan through a pillow at him. 

"I cant wait for thoughs two winners to come though, they'll be so cute" I said.

"Guys come on, lets go to nando's" Dionne popped her head around the door.

Mia's POV

*Next day*

I woke up to my phone ringing, it was Phoebe.


"Pheebs calm down, what is it" I said holding my phone away from my ear.

"Your not gonna belive this but...we won the competition" I froze.

"Your joking, shut up, if this is a joke its not funny ok"

"Mia, its not a joke, we seriously won the Friday Download competition"

"OMG!! come around mine and we'll talk about it". I cant belive what Phoebe has juat told me, we actually won, this is mental but amazing at the same time.

"What we gonna wear. We're going tomorrow" I gasped.

"We need a sleepover, tonight" I smiled

"We do" Phoebe agreed.

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