As we fight for dominance, I feel my pants getting tighter as rose moans when we deepen our kiss...
Having Rosalie on my lap the last thought in my mind was her not knowing about my.. mini me. She didn't seem to mind though, the way she's grinding on me makes me think she definitely doesn't. She moans into my mouth when i grab her ass and move it down, i swear this girl will be the death of me.
Rose pulls away letting me catch my breath but starts kissing down my neck, making me let out a groan. She moves her hand on my stomach slowly going down, shes rubs my lower stomach and moves her hand ri-
"hey rose i have a que-" i hear a voice say making rose stop immediately and look at who im assuming is one of her siblings while i clear my throat and try to hide my obvious hard on.
"sorry!" i hear now alice squeak and close the door. For a moment all you hear is my heavy breathing, rose gets off of me and sits next to me thinking about something. "Im sorry" i hear her say making me look at her confused, "What for?"
"I shouldnt have done that.." She replied almost more to herself then to me. "I didnt mind, actually i really didnt mind" i say shrugging my shoulders hoping she doesnt think too much into it. "N-no i shouldnt have done that, i uh i think you should go." She said looking at her sheets making me let out a breath and rub my hands down my face, "You serious right now?" i ask. shes so confusing bro..
She nods making me shakes my head, putting my hoodie back on i grab my bookbag and leave her room. I go downstairs and see esme smiling softly at me, "Thanks for letting me come over esme" i say not wanting to just walk out the house. "Oh course dear! come over anytime." she said making me smile and wave goodbye as i close the front door.
Getting into my car i put everything on my in the back and start the car, putting on my seatbelt i see rose looking out her window making me start the car and drive away.
Time skip
I seriously need to get over rose, she way to confusing and i know that if i keep being on her ima end up hurt. Sighing i go to my desk and finish up the lyrics on the song i was working on earlier. bing!
Tristan R party tn?
Me what time t?
Tristan R @10
Me sure syt
Perfect opportunity to cut my losses and move the fuck on, looking at the time its 9:34. Getting up i get in the shower and get ready for this party. I wash my body and hair, getting out I apply lotion and deodorant before doing my hair in my regular messy bun and get dressed. A black tshirt and black jeans with a black belt. I put on my signature gold chain before putting on some black and white dunks.
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damn i look sexy, laughing at my thoughts i grab my phone and head down stairs. "grandma im staying at tristans house!" i yell not knowing where in the house she was. "child, what did i tell you about yelling in my house?!" she yelled from the kitchen making me chuckle and go to the kitchen, "You just yelled." i deadpanned making her roll her eyes. "Be home early, you've gotta watch simone tomorrow." Nodding i side hug her and kiss her head,"give simone a hug for me, ill see you tomorrow." i say before grabbing my keys. "Love Ya!" i scream leaving the house.
time to forget all about my troubles...
Authors Notes
omg, alex's trying to move on... lets hope she dont do nun stupid. also wtf rose, yk you want my girl alex's longgg shhlonggg.
anywhoreee yall might be mad at alex next chapter..