the game has started 😉

180 40 22

Next day

Police station.

Gauri is checking out some files and doing some diagram on the whiteboard.
she is trying to find out anyway to catch that devil, at least she has to know first that the devil is a girl or boy.

" May I come in mam "

One of the officer ask before entering the room.
Gauri nods and he Enter the room with a CD and a file in his hand.

" Mam, here is the CD, it is the CCTV footage of that night when that person got killed by devil and here is the file, it is all the call details and other information about the person"

The officer said and handle the file and CD to go Gauri and left from there.
Gauri sit on her chair and start reading the file. try to find out the call details,address and everything about the person who is dead.

Then she put the CD in laptop and watch the CCTV footage but for her disappointment she can see the devil is killing that person but his face is covered with hoodie and she can't see anything.

"Damn it"

She said and shut the laptop, but suddenly she remember something and open the laptop and rewind the video clip.

She see a person who is standing near that devil is wearing a golden bracelet.
She pause and zoom on that bracelet and start thinking about the plan.

" Got you Mr devil, get ready to meet me"

She said with confidence and then call someone.







Omkara is sitting in his mansion reading some files.
When suddenly Khanna entered the room with tension.

"Sir "

" What is it Khanna.what is the thing which is making you Worry "

Omkara ask without looking at Khanna as he sense the tension in the room.

" Sir police arrested Zafar "

Khanna said and Omkara close the file, looked at Khanna in shock. how this happened? how this is even possible?

He doesn't ask anything but Khanna understand what is his question.

" The new ACP Gauri, she is more sharp and fast then we think, she got the CCTV footage of that murder and she found out Zafar was wearing a Bracelet and from that bracelet she investigate and find out about Zafar, she arrested him in only 5 hours  "

Khanna explain.
Omkara listen, he is not tensed or warriord as it is not his habit.

" Seems like this girl is more clever than any other officers, I really appreciate her efforts, I want to talk with her"

Omkara Said and Khanna is confused, because this is the first time Omkara is asking to talk with any police officer, before when any officers give him trouble he either transfer that officer or killed him.
but this is the first time he wants to talk with the officer who is investigating his case.

" Are you sure about it? if you want we can kill zaffer in the lock up "

Khanna suggest.

" shut up Khanna. Jaffer is not any other employee of mine.  he is just like you, find out a way to take him out from the lockup, and I don't think I have to give you any idea about it. you are expert now  "

THE DEVIL😈 (season -2) "Love Story Of a Demon"Where stories live. Discover now