Chapter 5

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Sana's POV

Why did she react that way? Should I call her? I mean there's nothing talk about or maybe there is I don't know.

I dialed her number after a few rings she answered "You did call me" I can feel her smile through the phone.

"What do you want?" I said coldly "Relax Sana I just want to know if you're ok now" she calmly said.

"Well I am ok so there's nothing to talk about" I hanged up the phone.

After weeks of preparation I walked through the hallway and heard students saying their goodlucks on me.

I arrived at the venue, the competition is about to start but there's no Momo.

I have her number I'm thinking of calling her, but it is my advantage if she doesn't show up I'll win this easy.

But I wanted to be fair, I dialed her number after few rings there's no answer. I don't have any choice but call Tzuyu her friend.

"Hello" Tzuyu answered "Hey hmm do you know where's Momo? I'm pretty sure you knew that today is our competition" instead answering me she laughed.

"Sanachan I think you should be great full Momo will not attend it will be easy for you to win for our School right?" I'm confused "What do you she'll not show up?"

She let a heavy sigh "Momo got replaced I mean that's what she said, she said that she got into fight because of you that leads to her replacement with another student" Wait? Me?

"What do you mean she got into a fight because of me?" I asked "Sana I can't tell you, you should be going now Goodluck, for our School Sanachan!" And then she hanged up.

After the competition I received the trophy but something's bothering me, I shouldn't be thinking of her She's my rival.

But once again I dialed her number it's pretty late I think she's at home now.

The phone answered "Hello? Who's this?" I heard an old man's voice, I quickly threw the trophy to my backseat and start my engine.

"Where's Momo? Who are you?" I asked him "Oh you must be her friend, she passed out here at the beach you should get her she's pretty drunk" And then he hanged up.

I quickly drove to the beach, I can't explain she had friends who she can call but instead I'm here worrying about her.

I saw her laying on the sand with a blanket I guess the old man put it on her.

I gently caressed her hair "Momo wake up, we have to go home" she opened her eyes and a tear escaped.

"Sana you're here, did you win? Ahhh I'm so proud of you!" She yelled as she hugged me, I was startled but I hugged back it's the first time someone said they're proud of me except my friends.

"We should celebrate let's have a drink my treat!" She's about to stand up but she fell.

She fell right on top of me.

"I'm sorry Sanashii, you didn't have a proper competition but you deserve it, the trophy you deserve it" She sobbed as she hugged me.

"Hey Momo looked at me you deserve it too as much as I deserve it, It's a bit boring you're not my rival for today's competition" I cupped her cheeks she just smile.

Next thing I know I have her lips on mine.

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