Amy-Kaytlynn. Wait, Nope!

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Here's a little about Amy-Kaytlynn and why she has to have an alias
Amy-Kaytlynn's character profile:

ALIAS: Kate Sandilands
FAMILY:Just her. She doesn't contact anyone. Loathes her brother as he's a cold - blooded killer (or consulting criminal as he likes to call himself).
As a young child, she was impressionable and always stuck to her brothers side. One day, he'd killed a person and the police were after him. As the police pointed their guns at him, he backed up again the wall, pushing Amy-Kaytlynn in front of him, as a human shield. He knew he would not be harmed as the police don't harm innocents and he put a gun to the 16 year old head. The betrayal was still fresh in her mind, even 4 years after. Her big brother has made a name for himself. But this means that Amy-Kaytlynn has to have a fake name to get close to anyone or get accommodation as they turn her away when they know her surname. She fears herself. If a kind, loving character can do that, then she might too.

Now, The chapter!

I trudged dismaly through London, keeping her mind focused on finding him. And the fact that I had to go to bully's house. He found out my name after my friend had been killed in a gas explosion and I was called to identify the the body.

I hate myself for being me Having my name. Having that for a brother. I knew deep down that I was lucky that I wasn't called straight away. Damn Sherlock Holmes. Out to ruin my life; he kept telling me that I am a criminal and I should be jailed and congratulating me on fooling him to believe I was someone else. Before I knew it, I had arrived at 221B Baker Street. My hand reached for the brass knocker and straightend it. And then I knocked, then moved it out of place. Mrs Hudson eager as always opened the door.
"Kate! What a nice suprise!" She squealed. "YOO HOO! SHERLOCK, JOHN! VISITOR! IT'S KATE!" She yelled up the stairs.
My smile dropped slightly. There was no way that Sherlock would come down now. I hate to admit it, but I do need his help. Maybe he'd be nicer now he had seen the real bad one.
"Kate! So nice to see you again!" John hugged me smiling. He winked at me, he knew I'm Amy-Kaytlynn. My personality never changes. No that's way too much hard work. Oh well. Just smile and do as asked. Do not shout. This will not be like last time.
"Get her out of here." A voice snarled, instantly recognisable as Sherlock.


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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