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Jungkook was innocently rubbing and circling his navel with his long fingers and Namjoon loosed his control. He needs to ask for it. He needed to unload.

" Jungkook.... "It was a whisper. If he wasn't close to him, he wouldn't have heard it.

" What is it ?" Namjoon shut his eyes tightly and bit his lips. He felt shameless.

" Can... I.. " Kim Namjoon... You can Say it. You can. His inner soul encourages him.

" Would you mind... If I ask you to kiss me again? I want to..." Namjoon said as clearly as he can say. He never was in this kind of circumstance. Taehyung does suck him and he cum in his mouth. But he can't just ask jungkook to do it. A smile appeared on jungkook lips and he smirked.

" Of course... The pleasure would be mine. " Namjoon wants to bite Jungkook's tongue, it's only using the that makes him horny and at the same time, he wants to suck it too. He will be dead if jungkook sees him doing it.

No, it's too much for him.

Jungkook snatched the pillow from him and kept it aside. Jungkook was going insane at the thought of tasting those lips again.

" It will be good if you turn around or you want to sit again on my lap." Yes. They just kissed a few hours before. He felt more embarrassment. Nam turned around. Finally. Their eyes connected and jungkook was leaning in to kiss him. He stopped. A few inches apart to ask what he was curious to know.

" Am I the reason of this?" Nam nodded and Jungkook took his responsibility to aid him.

The next morning jungkook wakes up hearing sounds from the kitchen when something drops on the floor. He rubbed his eyes and with bare feet, he went toward the kitchen. But he stopped midway when he saw him cooking in the kitchen.

He turned around and while whistling his fav tune he took his bag where a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with underwear he had kept. He sensed someone was blushing in the back. Then went to Nam's bedroom before shooting.

" I am going to take a bath and I have my clothes ."

Nam says nothing. He just bit his lower lips to control his giggle. There is nothing funny but somehow he makes him smile whatever he says. The same person who once pissed him off by blurting out shits from his mouth whenever he open his mouth.

When namjoon finished in the kitchen he phoned yoongi to confirm him they would be out after an hour. He also was going on his evil brain but he hung only diverted the topic. He will tell me when they will be at the bungalow. A little bit disappointed he hung up the call.

" Who was that ?"

Jungkook called from behind. Nam stared at him. He does look damn gorgeous after showering. He walked toward him.

" I asked who was on the phone?"

" SEO Joon Hyung. He was asking how am I doing. How is the restaurant running? how......"

" Fuck it. I am hungry. "

Nam lied to him to get him furious. As much as he likes him calm and cute he is also whipped for his angry tiger attitude. His inner soul was satisfied with the teasing and made serious faces and went to the kitchen to bring the breakfast.

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now