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For the first time in a while, it had been more than zero days since (Y/N) had to go on a walk or extend a walk to clear his mind of depression. This meant a celebration and apparently the weather agreed as it decided to start raining, creating a very comfy atmosphere. (Y/N) decided that the best way to take advantage of this was to watch a movie which he felt comfortable doing now that Panty was not in a position to wander into the living room and interrupt.
(Y/N) had almost forgotten about Stocking as he was too busy being happy that Panty was still at Brief's place. He would have succeeded in forgetting if he hadn't chosen to indulge in some of his favorite snack, caramel popcorn.
While Stocking hadn't made her presence known upon entering the living room, she alerted (Y/N) to the fact that she was there when she reached over his shoulder for some popcorn. (Y/N) noticed just in time to drop the remote he was about to use to start the movie and grab the angel's wrist. "You can only have some if you watch the movie," (Y/N) said without turning around.
"Fine." Stocking didn't hesitate to jump over the back of the couch, landing a little closer to (Y/N) than she intended.
"Make sure you don't eat all the popcorn. I don't mind sharing but I bought this with my own money." Stocking grumbled something about not wanting to hold back as (Y/N) started the movie.

The large bowl of caramel popcorn recently finished, (Y/N) had finally turned his full attention to the movie. He may or may not have regretted choosing this movie in particular as it was kinda bad and very boring. (Y/N) felt something on his shoulder and, after discovering that it was a sleeping Stocking's head, guessed that the angel wasn't exactly entertained by the movie either. Well, it was that or she had nothing better to do with the popcorn finished.

For whatever reason, the rain had ended up lulling Stocking into a peaceful sleep. The last thing she remembered before passing out was (Y/N)'s shoulder rapidly approaching her face. This confused her as she had just woken up in bed at 10PM, not on the couch next to (Y/N).
After deciding to investigate what had actually happened, Stocking made her way to the living room where (Y/N) was still watching the pathetic excuse of a movie. She was about to ask him something but he beat her to it. "Morning, sleepyhead. Have a good nap?"
"S'not morning, idiot...," the angel answered sleepily.
"But you just woke up."
Ignoring (Y/N)'s justification, Stocking asked, "How'd I get to my room?"
"I carried you there."
"...You what?"
"I thought you'd be more comfortable sleeping in a bed than on my shoulder." (Y/N) hadn't taken his eyes off the movie until the ending credits had started. He looked back at Stocking to find her cheeks slightly pink. (Y/N) glanced away to turn the TV off but Stocking was gone when he looked back.

A/A: There was more to this chapter but I got distracted by something and completely forgot what it was. Oops.

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