3° End

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"I'll go frist ," Donghyuck said while a slight smirk, his eyes on the boy in front of him."injunie..truth or dare?"

"Dare" his boyfriend replied without hesitation.

" I dare you to kiss me."

"That's too easy,"  Mark whined as Renjun twisted back with an amused smile to kiss Donghyuck softly."He's literally your boyfriend."

Donghyuck shrugged, not bothered in the slightest.

" Alright..Renjuna.. It's your turn." Jaemin said.

Renjun scanned the circle, tapping one of his tiny fingers against his lip absentmindedly. His eyes landed on the white-haired boy sitting beside Chenle with a mischievous grin." Jisungie,truth or dare?"

Anxious, Jisung toyed with the pices of colourful duct tape wrapped around the armrests of his crutches. "Truth."

"What do you think about Chenle?" Renjun leaned back against Donghyuck's chest , satisfied with his meddling for the night. The rest of the boys gathered around then sat up straighter, awaiting the answer, while Chenle simply diverted all of his attention to the ratty shoe poking out from underneath his bed.

Jisung was nearly as white as his hair as he stuttered through his response. "I...uh, think he's nice and funny and handsome." He added more shyly, having shrunk almost  all the way into the thick green wool sweater he was wearing.

There was something about hearing Jisung say he thought he was handsome that made Chenle's heart skip a beat. How could someone so clearly out of his league ever think he was attractive?

It was Renhyuck that started whistling at the last comment, the latter nudging his friend's good leg in encouragement . Mark joined them with a crooked smile, Jaemin, with Jeno stealthily siving  Chenle a thumbs-up beside him, gently tried to tell them off.

"Your turn, Jisungie,"  Jaemin said, trying to help the other boy move on from his embarrassment.

Jisung shot him a grateful smile. His gaze settled on Jeno, figuring he was one of the safest choices."Jeno hyung, truth or dare?"

"Truth" Jeno shot back.

"What do you like the most about Jaeminie hyung?"

Jeno's face broke in to a smile as he turned to look at the boy on his left, his gaze full of a million meanings no one but Jaemin could understand."Everything"

"Aww...so loveable" Mark laugh was nearly as loud as him as Jaemin gave Jeno a brief kiss on the lips, pausing for a second to whisper something in the other's ear that had him blushing.

Still flushed Jeno's gaze found his best friend's across the circle. "Chenle..truth or dare?"

"Dare" he replied quickly. He wished he could take back the second he made it.

"I dare you to tell us what happened you and Jisung earlier."

Donghyuck leaned forward around his boyfriend eagerly."oh, this should be good." Renjun half-hearted ly swatted at him.

Chenle steadfastly kept his focus from the boy next to him, knowing that if he looked into the depths of his sweet  stare he'd never be able to emerge. "It's,um,fell and I offered to take him to the infirmary," Chenle said, trying not to stammer through his story.

Even though he promised himself he wouldn't look, he snuck a sideways glance at Jisung.

The younger looked a bit disappointed at his short explanation, almost hurt that he had summarized their connection into such a dull sentence. Chenle immediately wished he could take the words back.

"Your turn, chenlo" Jaemin prompted as the other boy remained silent.

"Jisung" he said softly."truth or dare?"

"Hey,no fair ,he's already been picked!" Mark complained. Jaemin and Renjun shushed him with a look.

Jisung nervously bit down on his lower lip, clearly unaware of now goddamn good he looked doing it."Truth",he said meekly.

"Would you like to be my Boyfriend?"

Jisung's eyes widened while the boys around them exploded into gasps of surprise.

"You smooth ass motherfucker , I like you bro"  Donghyuck said, dragging an impressed finger in the younger's direction.

Chenle smiled and focused on watching Jisung's pink lips flutter between open and closed. He was cute when he was flustered. But then again Chenle had yet to find a movement where the other boy wasn't cute.

"I...I'd love to"

Jisung stuttered blushing furiously.


Not even aware that everyone was staring at them anymore, Chenle found himself wishing that movement would never end. There was something about Jisung that suspended both time and space. It was their own picked of infinity, hidden away inside a world of constant change and chaos.

Chenle Kiss Jisung's lips hungrily Jisung also kiss back. They didn't care others.

Chenle wanted to live that infinity forever.

                                   The End                                             

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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