No Need For Exercise

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It was a bright sunny day at the Avengers Training Center. The four new recruits, Sam, Rhodey, Wanda, and Vision, plus Captain America and Black Widow, were sitting around a large table in their small cafeteria eating breakfast. They had just completed a morning run, and even Rogers seemed to be breathing heavily. The only member who didn't seem to be fazed by the event was Vision, who unable to eat was quietly sitting at the table.

"Captain," the Vision said, addressing Steve who was consuming a rather large bowl of original oatmeal. "I still fail to see why I am required to participate in these daily physical exercises."

Steve sighed before saying in between bites, "We've discussed this before Vision. When we train, we train as a team. That means I want every member participating in every event, no matter what their skillset."

"But Captain, running has no benefit to me at all," the android insisted. "Running is done to increase physical health and endurance, both of which do not apply to me considering I have a different inner design than most humans. Even if athletic exercises were necessary, there would be no need for me to run since I only fly in combat. Rarely is there a need for me to even jog."

Steve narrowed his eyes. He should have figured that since Stark had programmed part of Vision's personality, he wouldn't understand the word "no". Vision managed to follow orders fairly well, but for the two weeks they had been training it had become apparent that Vision would much rather be a trainer than a trainee. The fight for team leader had simply shifted from Cap and Ironman to Cap and Vision. At least Vision wasn't sarcastic like Tony.

"Just listen to my instructions," the soldier grumbled.

Suddenly Sam, who's superhero name was Falcon, looked up from his bowl of lucky charms. "You know, the robots got a point. I'm in the air and flying for 90% of the mission. I should spend most of my day flying in the air, not running around some track."

"And I'm in a suit that requires no physical movement at all," Rhodey, aka the War Machine or Iron Patriot, butted in. "It would make more sense for me to simply be improving my suit rather than exercising."

Scarlet Witch nodded her head, agreeing with her three fellow recruits. In her Sovokian accent she replied, "It seems, Captain Rogers, that the only person whose powers require intense physical training is you."

Steve, very frustrated at the moment, looked over at the remaining member and his co-trainer Natasha for support. The former spy simply shrugged. "They're right Cap. Even my training requires more aim and flexibility than the need to run a marathon every morning."

Captain America, now looking extremely annoyed and slightly furious, stood up out of his chair. "I don't care if you're a witch or a robot, running is important and we're going to do it as a team. End of discussion. Now, finish your breakfast and meet me at the fight simulator in ten." He began to leave the room, but after a change of mind turned back around to face the five heroes.

"On second thought, meet me outside on the track. I think we need another ten mile warmup to get us prepared for fighting.

Sam, Wanda, and Rhodey all groaned, rubbing their already aching muscles. Vision simply grinned.

"I will try to envision (no pun intended) the physical pain of the punishment Captain."

And there was the sarcasm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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No Need for Exercise- A Vision Age of Ultron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now