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I heard the wolves howl at the moon. It always scared me to think that they could tear us apart. That night I was hunting. My ears pricked; I heard a mouse by the base of a tree. I started stalking it. Closer and closer I came. I pounced on it. Well, I thought to myself with a sigh this will be my dinner for now. I was terribly hungry. All of a sudden, a wolf jumped out of the bushes. I turned and ran leaving my mouse behind. He chased after me. I heard him growling trying in vain to catch me. I swam quickly across a stream almost at my den, where I would be safe from him. Now I could see my den, but he was gaining on me. Yes! I was there; just as I got in, he had bitten my tail hard trying to drag me out. I yelped and thrashed out with my forepaw on his snout. I retreated back into my den to hide from any more dangers.

            When I woke up I felt very hungry and a little crazy. I stepped cautiously out of my den. I decided that I couldn’t stay here it was too cold so I would go south out of the wilderness. So I started running not like last night when I was running for my life. I had never been south before but I heard it was dangerous and filled with food.

            A little way down, I saw a cool stream and drank out of it. I hunted and caught a squirrel.  It was a good meal, but not enough. I kept on traveling south. Soon I smelled strange scents and heard strange noises that didn’t belong. I heard a low rumbling noise like monsters. I decided to stop for the night.

            The next day, I lost some clumps of fur on my back. I needed food; I could smell all sorts of food everywhere. First I hunted a mouse, a meager meal for me. Then I came out of the forest where I had lived my whole life and stepped on to a hard black fur? I heard that low rumbling noise again; it was like growling. A huge monster swung around the bend and raced toward me. I was frozen in place and I was going right into the mouth. Whoosh! The monster went right over me! I was still alive! I ran over to the other side back into the forest and kept running until I came to a big tree den stuck out of the ground. There were animals with two legs and no fur. I remembered now; humans had come to a forest where I had once lived and cut down all the trees and made them into tree dens like this one. There was a smell that reminded me of my sisters, but not quite the same. The smell was coming from a dog that had the smell of humans on her too. She was bounding toward me barking a warning. I ran toward one of the monsters and was so scared that I jumped into the back of one and it closed on me. I freaked out at first, but then I had to admit that I was trapped so I fell asleep.

            When I woke up, the back was open but I could tell that it was a different place. Brrrrr. Why was it so cold? I went to the forest I saw; I also noticed that there was a prairie too. I started making a new den. It would be a temporary den for now.

            I was done making my temporary den so I took a look around. There were a bunch of stones in one place making a big wide path down to the black fur. I wandered a bit then started hunting. I heard a loud honking sound like the geese that fly over my head before cold frost. So I headed that way to see if I could get them. I crept up to the mesh and clambered over it. The birds obviously couldn’t fly so they would make easy prey for me. I hunted one and ate it. The goose was so good and I was so hungry so I ate another and another until I could barely move. Then I left through a looming structure and fell asleep under a monster.

            I woke at dawn and heard the dog, Kelsie, barking with a human yelling at her. She ran around the edge of the monster trying to get at me. I ran off out racing her and shrank into my den. I fell asleep, after all it was day time and I was nocturnal.

            That night I couldn’t resist going back. The geese were closed in but I smelled something else so I went to the mesh enclosure. It was a little cramped but I got in. Snap! I stepped on a little panel. I tried to back out but felt resistance. I was trapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2013 ⏰

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