Girl oc

13 0 3

Name: Nxy
Age: 14-17
Height: 5'2
Weight; 45kg

Likes: Sweets, cooking, reading, writing, singing, dancing, animals, trying new things, horror movies, hugs

Dislikes: being yelled at, being told how to do things, rude people, fake people

Personality: Sweet, kind. Caring, moody, short temper, open-minded, sassyf, moody, non judgemental, sensitive, LOUD , forgiving

Quirk; freeze teleportation, toxic gas

How it works; basically she can create portals that can either freeze someone to death or gases that contain hydrogen sulfide, which is super toxic and could Kill you

Pros; Can make multiple ones, can use quirk for long periods of time, it doesn't affect her body THAT badly, can stand super cold temperature

Cons:not fully immune to it(gas)

Tattoos: None
Piecing: ears

Family: One older brother, one older sister,baby brother, Mom, Dad

Relationship with them

Older bro; It's ok

Sister: AWFUL

Younger brother: it's fine in progress

Dad:....don't even ask

Mental health: Not bad but not good

Background: Had a pretty fucked up childhood although things are better now

Appearance; (tanner)


Ethnicity: African

Languages spoken: Xhosa, English, sometimes Korean and Thai

Talents; VOICE OF A ANGEL, flexibility, Solving things, super fast learner,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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