Waking up

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A young boy who appears to be 18, waring skinny jeans (ripped at the knees) and a black hoodie, his messy black hair covering his face, laying in the grass fast asleep. Noting but the sound of birds and the wind. He stirs and rolls on his back before opening his green eyes slowly putting his hand up to block the sun from his vision.

"Urg... So bright" he mumbles to himself before sitting up and looking around. "What happened? Where is everyone?" He looked around confused, before climbing to his feet.

He started walking slowly when he heard a boy's voice call out to him. "Orion! Orion there you are" the boy puffed from running. Orion blinked at him. Did he know this boy? He couldn't remember him, he barely remember who he was, how could he remember anyone else. " Everyone is so worried about you, they have been since you didn't come back last night." He explains to him. Still confused Orion speaks up.

"I'm sorry but who is everyone? And who are you?" He asked the boy. The boy looke at him before his eyes went wide.

"Y-you really don't know who I am?" He mumbled sadly. Orion shook his head.

"No, sorry... But if it helps I barely know who I am." He looks up towards the wave like crowds dotting the blue sky. "I don't even know what this place is, or how I got here." The boy looked at Orion before slaking again.

"Well I'm Marco, and well... I'm your friend, so I'm going to help you get your memory back" he smiles at the other. Orion stood their staring at Marco, he seams so chirpy, and easygoing. Orion nods.

"Yeah okay... Let's go then" He smiled softly. The other nodded and greed Orion's hand pulling him long gently. Orion could already tell this was going to be a long day.

A/N hey guyssss so I know I haven't really written anything in a while so I'm sorry that it's shirt and if it's really crappy, but I hope you enjoy this, I hint done an Orignal Story in a long time, so enjoy! Xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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