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The breeze of the air felt cold as a red winged hero soared across the sky while the sun provided some warmth. His blonde hair running wild as he flew in the opposite direction of the wind. The hero kept a sharp eye, ensuring nobody was following him, taking glances every once in a while. Loose red feathers decorated the sunset sky.

As the blonde hero reached his destination, he lands smoothly on his legs. He quickly checks his hair by seeing his reflection from the building before entering. The door creaks as he enters.

"Hellooooo?" Says sarcastically the blonde hero as he scans the area.

"C'mom man... I know you're in here... somewhere... cut that creepy act. It'll make me want to see you more." mumbles the male to seemingly no one.

Just as the hero was about to give up, he spots another male in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall.

"You know, I was THIS close from screaming." Chuckles the winged hero while motioning with his hands.

"Erm, good to see you too?" Says the hero as he begins walking Into the males direction while shrugging . The other male begins to do the same but something about his presence seemed upset, more than usual that is.

"What the hell was that." Demanded the raven hair male

"Can't really answer that statement if it isn't a question!" Slightly laughs the blonde hair man as the two now stood in front of each other, running a hand through his blond hair.

"What's with the long face, I thought we were buddies!" continues the male as he playfully jokes around , now putting a hand in his beige jacket.

   "How did they find us." Spoke the black haired man

   "Does It hurt you that much to say the big bad word that starts with "h"." Huffs the jokester

   The raven hair then grabs the hero by his collar and pulls him close

   "The deal was that you'd keep me in the loop of what was happening. Now how did they find us."

  "Look , Dabi." Continues the hero in a now serious tone as he grabs Dabi's hands and pulls them away from his collar

  "I haven't been as available on that side as I been here. But according to the other hero's, the police actually found someone who's good at their job. I haven't met her yet. Lots of people want to work with her, she's the real deal."

   The then nameless male seemed more relaxed after  the hero responded.

   "I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you. She found you guys in the matter of seconds. Not sure how she pulled that off."

   "If it's some girl who I should be worried about, speak up, Hawks." Dabi said with a hint of irritation

   "Actually, i have a small meeting to attend to pretty soon. With the girl" Hawks said, empathizing his words.

  "Weird how you're now engaging on a conversation now that you know it's a girl looking for you. She doesn't even know you and she's already looking for you!" Hawks says playfully, earning no emotion from Dabi

'Damn, can anything on this planet create any emotion from this guy?'

"Tell me more about her." Said the villain

  "That's all I know. I should be meeting her- Shit!" Hawks says, realizing the time
  "If you weren't too busy being a weirdo, we could've talked more!"

  "That answers itself." Dabi cockily says

   Hawks rolls his eyes as he begins to walk away, causing the metal room to echo his footsteps

   "Before you leave, how will I know she isn't searching for me right now." Dabi semi questions

   "Well on my end of the bargain, I'm just telling you what's happening, not to protect you." Says hawks as he now stands outside the building

   "So in the meantime, try not to get caught or get cocky." Winks Hawks at the villain before taking flight, leaving Dabi alone.

'A girl, huh? I could wait until asshat comes back with intel or I can search on my own... decisions decisions. Wouldn't hurt to meet the competition'
Dabi thinks to himself, smiling at his own thoughts


   Hawks makes his way to the chiefs office, but as he opens the door he was met with a girl. Considering how much people talked about her professionalism, he expected someone much older but was met with someone as young as him

   "(Y/n), Im assuming? I'm Hawks!" Greets the male, extending an arm. The girl accepts the gesture and returns if

  "Likewise!" Responds (y/n)

   "I see the man of the hour has arrived. Introductions aside, I assume you can see where this is headed." The chief says as he sat down.

  "Formality isn't really my forte, sorry is this comes out blunt, but I'd like for you to work in my agency. You can tell me more about your quirk on the way there. Whatever I heard was enough for me to rush here and get you working for me! We'd be an unstoppable duo, don't ya think?" Cheerfully says Hawks , smiling.

   Whatever nerves (y/n) had washed away as the hero stepped in. He was very charismatic, yet respectful. As far as she knew, Hawks had the intention of working together to find the league of villains. Little did she know that half of statement was already known, and how this truly was the calm before the storm.

Extinguishing Flames (Dabi x Reader) **NEW PLOT**Where stories live. Discover now