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To Myself,

You may be drawn to the idea and joys of having someone to support you through this dream of yours. But I know, your inner self wanted to do a bold move. A reckless one with no assurance towards success. You have a great withstanding pillar but you chose this. I've chosen this. And that is to create and finish a story in silence with no one standing on your back. You cannot be afraid of being alone because you are used to it. Instead, I feared not being able to finish your own craft. Don't be afraid to shed a tear over petty things but don't be a coward when no one recognizes nor acknowledge your voice.

For I will never be afraid to swim naked in silent crowds and deafening applause of failures. I will write as long as I live. Cheers to the future!

'Tis the damn upcoming pages

From, Maririella.

Theodosia (Golden Spoon #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon