Your Cute: Isaac Foster x Aged up! Male! Rachel x Male! reader

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A/n Hello everyone  this is like if they weren't in that thing. So like a modern AU where the place they were at doesn't exist. Enjoy this. Credits to the artists. 

Reader's POV

I had been upset all day. My co-workers aren't doing their work. I've been the one getting yelled for it not being completed. Therefore I am stuck doing my work load which is multiplying by the second and my co-workers work load. They even left early and went drinking. I'm not even getting paid for this extra work either. 

I placed my head on the desk because I had a massive migraine. A bandaged hand placed a pain killer and water on my desk form the corner of my eye. My head lifted trying to figure out what was going on. I then saw my bandaged boyfriend trying get me to take the pain killers. My blonde boyfriend was packing up my shit saying, "Come on. Your coming home now. Your boss knows. Just take the pain killers so we can go." I nodded taking the pain killers. "Thanks Zack and Ray." I said and got up. Zack just looked at me and then grabbed my hand as Ray just started walking, "Hurry up slow pokes," he said. Both me and the black haired man started walking. 

time skip to when you got in Ray's car ( I want to die want to die want to die)

Ray started the car as I sat in the back seat being comforted by Zack. He was rubbing my back as I laid on his shoulder. Ray kept looking back to make sure we were okay. He would grab my hand and rub it from time to time. They understood currently I just didn't want to talk. "Your cute hun," Zack said. My face suddenly went red as Ray laughed a bit. 

When we got home I did rant to them before we started a movie marathon. I called in sick the next day because I was still really tired and didn't want to leave my boyfriends hold. The cuddles were so cozy. 

352 words. Love you guys.

Kai signing out <3

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