✫𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚡✫

24 0 13

Tw:S3xual hints(none actually in the chapter), self-body shaming, ED, and sh mention.
The room smelt heavily of musk and wine. The soft curly brunette-haired male twisted against the bed. Toby's skin felt sticky that's what slowly stirred him awake. The room was slightly dark and there was someone he couldn't remember beside him. The way the sheets felt Toby could tell it was not his room. The person beside him did not stir, so Toby got up slowly.

There were times Toby was lucky he couldn't feel pain. The soft carpet felt overwhelming as he picked up discarded clothing. The white plain walls made him feel trapped. Toby took in a deep breath while getting dressed. The other person still didn't stir, looking out the window it was dark. The brunette could get back before Masky and Hoodie woke up and freaked out.

Opening the old wooden door that let out a soft creak. Everything was dark throughout the house, it felt like something was staring at Toby. Toby knew it was nothing, yet Toby still was hesitant to walk out of the bedroom. The carpet slowly became cold wood, didn't he wear shoes here? The brunette could care less he just wanted to leave this house. The soft padding of rain on the roof kept him going.

The brunette opened the front door before he stepped out onto soft grass. The fresh smell of pine and rain helped soothe him as he walked towards it. Toby entered the woods and it was like it swallowed him whole. The brunette walked along a dirt and cobble path and slowly came across an old wooden cabin. Slowly walked off the path and to a nearby window. Jumping up Toby caught the seal, slowly pulling himself up.

The window was open as it was always, that's how Toby left it. Crawling through with little fight, and landing on the wooden floor with a thud. Toby's head gave a violent jerk as a reaction to the sound. The room smelt of strawberries and it was small. The boy slowly crawled up onto his bed, the soft covers felt comforting. Toby bawled his hand in the covers, he felt filthy the voices charmed in to tell he was filthy.

The silent room was suddenly filled with quiet sobs. The brunette crawled under the blankets and curled up. The bed itself felt like home and he closed his eyes. Toby reached over grabbing a pillow and tucking it between his knees. Another pillow between his arms hugged up to it, just to imagine it was someone else. Someone he could love, not just random strangers.

The room slowly became silent again as the boy drifted off to sleep. There was now a soft whispering and it was bright. The whispering became clearer, it wasn't whispered at all. It sounded like Masky, Toby's eyes fluttered open adjusting to the light.

"Tobias. Wake up"Masky's voice was stern as he hook Toby.

The boy rolled onto his back and jumped back seeing the white mask.

"G..god masky, scared the shit outta me."A slight stutter had gotten better over the years.

Masky just stared at him and huffed standing up straight. He was terrifying almost a foot taller than Toby, then again Toby was short for a young adult. There was a heavy silence for a second, Toby never told Masky what he did(knowing Masky would disapprove).

"Hoodie made breakfast so hurry down," Masky pondered for a second, "actually get a shower first you reek."

Toby gave a silent nod and pursed his lips. Masky turned around, then walked out of the room closing the door. Toby got up slowly and sighed, his legs felt weak as he stood up. The way his body limped Toby knew he'd have to make up a lie. Opening the door to his room with a loud creek. The brunette limped toward their shared bathroom, he knocked with no answer.

Toby took that as his cue to push open the door. It opened with ease and the scent of lemon wash filled his senses. The boy stepped inside closing the door behind him. The bathroom wasn't big either but he leaned over and turned the shower on. Toby knew he wouldn't know if it was too hot. Yet, if it burned him.

He deserved it so he got undressed and stepped into the shower. The water ran over his body and it was an instant relief. It soothed his skin and made the boy feel less gross. He grabbed the shampoo and scrubbed softly at his scalp. He waited a few seconds before running the water over it. He used the same steps with the conditioner.

While he waited for the conditioner to set he begin washing his body. Mostly around his thighs and hips. Toby washed the conditioner out and sighed, he should clean his room. The boy turned off the water and stepped out grabbing a towel. Drying off rather quickly and picked up his clothes. Wrapping the towel around his waist he opened the door.

Toby could hear the older adults talking downstairs. The brunette opened his room door with another softer creak. Setting the clothes in his hamper and stumbling towards his dresser. Opening the drawer and pulling out some comfortable clothing. Choosing a long-sleeved collared sweater and sweatpants. Slowly slipping the clothes on and sighing.

The brunette was swaggering and he slowly walked out of the room. Going down the creaky stair almost fell multiple times. The talking grew loud as he walked closer to the living room.

"I'd tell you that Kid's up to something."Masky snapped and set his fork down.

"I'm sure he was just playing around Masky."Hoodie reassuringly said putting his hand on Masky's shoulder.

Toby walked into the room and yawned.

"What kid?.."He asked

Masky and hoodie fell silent before Hoodie patted a seat.

"Come eat Tobes, "Hoodie spoke softly.

Toby cringed at the soft voice but did as told. Sitting beside Hoodie and picked up the plate. Masky scoffed and began eating again. Was Masky angry with him? The smell of eggs and bacon distracted him. He poked it with his fork eating slowly, even if he wanted to throw up.

Not that it tasted bad, cause it didn't. The brunette just didn't like eating because it would ruin his looks. More than they already were. The silence was tense.

"So, Tobias. What's with you sneaking out."Masky's voice cut it like butter.

Toby froze and looked over slowly, Masky's cold brown eyes stared back.

"Wh..what?"He stumbled.
End of chapter😭😭

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