𝑅𝑈𝑁 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦?

9 0 1

Tw:Passing out, domestic violence, and running away.
Whatever I said about semi-perfect family fuck it!

Toby stormed off up the creaky old ass stairs as Masky yelled something behind him. Fuck whatever that bitch said Toby thought for sure.

"You're not my parents," Toby screeched back, "I'M 19!"

With that, the room to his bedroom slammed closed and the house fell silent. The brunette let out a quiet sob as hot tears ran down his face. Along with the crimson blood on his nose and lip. It was Toby's choice! Masky hit him- he hit him! To think that bastard was any different than his actual father.

The young adult began shoving things in a bag, and a quiet knock rang across the room. Toby didn't respond and opened the window after swooping up his panda teddy bear. The small leather bag was filled with some clothing, and now the stuffed bear. Toby lifted himself onto the window seal and dropdown. A tingly sensation spread through his legs, and when he stepped forward he almost fell. The brunette had no time to worry about it and began running.

The grass was slippery under his feet and he tripped every few seconds. The soft scent of mist and morning dew flooded his sense as he fell onto the ground. The boy felt a cold liquid trickle down from what he assumed was his head. Toby pushed himself back up with struggle. When the brunette fully stood up everything blurred with every step. Every step had become a struggle but he made it to the road.

Somewhere Masky and Hoodie never allowed him. The soft grass and dirt faded and became hard concrete. The sun had started to raise more into the sky. It cast a beam of glowing sunshine across the boy. His body was getting physically tired, but Toby kept pushing himself to walk. Black dots appeared in the corners of his vision.

Toby walked until his body physically couldn't keep up. The brunette's legs seemed to collapse from underneath him. Hitting the dead road with a thud and a groan of frustration. Toby covered his face wishing for death. Everything felt fuzzy, and his vision kept slipping. The boy could feel the soft rumbling of the road from a car.

Hopefully, the car showed him mercy and ran his ass over. Praying to God but low change cause he was on the side close to the railing. Roads are stupid Toby declares in his head. The car began to come into view, as Toby's vision refocused. The blaring light made them squeeze shut tightly. A pang of panic went through his body as the car came to a halting stop.

"Holy shit!, Jeff take a look at this" A glitchy(?) Voice yelled out.

"BEN I swear to the hell- holy shit? Roadkill!" A huskier voice cackled almost staring at Toby.

Toby laid as still as if he'd die if he move, which in all honesty(to himself) he probably would. The brunette might have been able to get up and run. The car seemed to be pulling off so Toby lifted himself slightly. Jeff peered into the rearview mirror and quirked an eyebrow.

"I don't think that guy's dead BEN, stay here," Jeff said turning to open the door.

Toby looked back watching the car stop and got up quickly. The numb feeling made him almost trip as he began sprinting. The ground felt like air under his feet and he ran into the woods. Toby could hear footsteps behind him and for a second he wanted to be home. The boy did have time to process before he was slammed onto the ground. The pressure of someone else's body weight pushed onto him.

"Fun chase! Now, how did you get in here?.." The same husky voice questioned.

Toby squirmed for a second before giving up and sighing.

"What do you mean?" Toby snapped at the mystery person.

"I mean, this is a secret land how did you get in?" The voice said putting pressure on his neck.

"I..well I was brought here by a slender man?" Toby squeaked, and the pressure eased.

"Slenderman.. alright c'mon you're coming with me-" Jeff replied and moved to pull him up.

Toby went silent like he had a choice as he slowly followed the male. He had long black hair and looked Toby's age. His skin was a creamy white with patches of tan-like scars. Jeff looked back at the boy who seemed exhausted. A pang of something he hadn't felt before ate at him.

"So..why're you out here alone?" Jeff asked to ease the tension.

The boy looked like he wanted to sink into his own skin and die.

"Uh me and m- my father got into a fight," Toby said and his head twitched slightly.

Jeff took notice of that and notice the fact the boy twitched now and then. There was a silent plea from the other not to say anything about it. The black-haired male shrugged and sighed.

"So you've lived here for a bit?" Jeff questioned and Toby wanted him to just shut up.

The brunette was so tired, and by the time they reached the car, he was practically on the verge of passing out. Jeff looked back and opened the door and nudged him. Toby grunted and slid into the car, beside a blonde-haired kid. They looked way younger than Toby and he leaned against the car door.

"Alright..Jeff, what the hell?" The blonde one whispered(as if Toby couldn't hear him).

"Just shut up and watch the fucker, alright?" Jeff's voice was sterner than earlier.

Toby watched as the car began to drive and he gulped. He always hated cars after..Lyra passed away. The soft rattling slowly calmed the tense young adult. Everything started fading from his vision and he passed out. BEN looked over and back at Jeff and gave a slight huff.

"He passed out. Or whatever." BEN announced.

Jeff inhaled sharply and looked back looking at Toby.

"Let's get him home then worry about it?" Jeff said quickly with a hint of worry.

Why was he so worried about some random bitch? Usually, jeff would've just killed them. Jeff should've killed Toby when he had the chance but it woulda angered slenderman anyway.

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