0.1: Time... It All Comes Down To Time...

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Jeongsan had many struggles with the institute after Soobin' death & his decision to kick out Beomgyu. Students threatened to leave, & even spoke of removing Jeongsan as Headmaster all together. His burdens were slightly lifted with Taehyun' help. Not that he didn't appreciate Kai as well as Yeonjun.

Taehyun often came & went as he pleased. Jeongsan overlooked it as a debt repaid after all of the help he's gotten from Taehyun recently.

Yeonjun sat with Huening Kai. "Will you calm down, Hyuka ? I don't think leaving will do you any good." Kai had been thinking about leaving the institute. His immediate thought to leave was only strengthened after Beomgyu left. "여기 있고 싶지 않아요, 형. 수빈형은 죽었고 범규형은 죽었습니다..." (I don't want to stay, hyung. Soobin hyung is dead and Beomgyu hyung is gone...)

Taehyun was usually busy so he was in ,& out of their dorm. He reverted into a routine where he kept to himself. The institute was nothing like it was when they all first entered. Not at all.

Yeonjun stopped Taehyun when he saw him enter the room. "Taehyun, please tell Kai he needs to stay. Leaving so soon won't change anything." Kai sighed, he didn't want to hear any excuses. His mind was a bit made up at this point.

Taehyun wasn't like Yeonjun. He was not going to do anything. Why would he stop Huening Kai anyway ? He had nothing to gain from this. Taehyun sighed, "왜요? 그는 결심했어요. 내가 무슨 말을 해도 바뀌지 않아요, 형." (Why ? He has made up his mind. Anything I say won't change that, hyung.)

Kai was happy Taehyun was on his side, in turn Yeonjun grew frustrated. "Huening Kai shouldn't leave the institute. He still has you & me..."

Taehyun groaned as he quickly wanted to settle this. So he asked directly, "Will you be changing your mind ?" Yeonjun was absolutely annoyed that nothing was going the way he wanted, but he still had hope. Kai gave a smile that very much embodied the emotion of a goodbye, "I am leaving. Besides I have family outside these walls. I should go be with them."

Yeonjun looked defeated almost & Taehyun seemed glad the argument was over. Just as quickly as he entered, Taehyun left. Kai began sitting at the window as he stared out of it. Yeonjun soon enough joined him. An awkward comfortable silence overtook them. 

Taehyun arrived again, but his attire was completely different. When he left the first time he was in his institute prefect uniform with his Hades House robes. This time he wore formal clothing & seemed to be looking for something. Huening Kai addressed him first. "형, 방금 나간 거 아니에요? 무엇을 찾고 계시나요?" (Didn't you just leave, hyung ? What are you looking for ?) Yeonjun was just as confused. Taehyun gave a scowl, "Why must I explain myself ? I just need my locket." This locket was never mentioned before, but it was very valuable to Taehyun. It was the only thing he had with him before his Ms. Seo took him in. He cared for the object, but it wasn't like there were photos inside.

Yeonjun stood up abruptly. He couldn't for the life of himself understand why Taehyun was being so secretive. This was something he'd talk with Jeongsan about. Taehyun soon found his locket ,& left once more.

Time moved different for Taehyun. In fact just like Beomgyu, he had a family secret as a pureblood. That locket was the key to this secret as well. 

Once clear of the institute, Taehyun disappeared into the woods. He made sure he wasn't followed as he came to a stone wall. He whispered a incantation, moving the stone to open a doorway. Once inside Taehyun took a seat with someone he never would've thought he'd meet.

Cedric Han. A incredibly hidden man. Cedric sat a cup of tea in front of him. "뭐가 그렇게 오래 걸렸습니까? 누가 알아냈나요?" (What took so long ? Did anyone find out ?) For a while now Taehyun had been coming to see Cedric.  "No one saw me. I may have confused my friends from my change of clothes though." Cedric seemed to calm knowing no one followed. Their discussion soon became quite serious.

"Your training has improved immensely. I think you are ready to travel to New Zara." New Zara was a small section of Monzara that only those from there would know how to get in again. It had heavily skilled magic protecting it. 

It was also rumored that a pure-blooded family stayed in New Zara. "Really ? You'll take me ?", Taehyun asked getting excited. He met Cedric a little after they laid Soobin to rest. The moment he learned about New Zara he wanted to visit. "네, 이제 당신을 데려가야 할 때인 것 같아요."(Yes. I believe it is time I take you.)

A good hour passed, soon Taehyun got back into his uniform, making his back to the institute discreetly...

True Time Waits For Me | Kang Taehyun FF ✅ (Book 4 In Series)Where stories live. Discover now