Cesar Torres x Male Reader [Fluff]

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Requested by: Henry_and_friends

(Art above not mine)
(Sorry but some of you will have to translate some of the spanish yourselves)

You sat beside Cesar, him watching TV. You watched his face that was lit up from the screen in the dark room, you were always curious as to how he manages to look so damn cute without doing anything.

Soon, Cesar realized you were staring at him. He turned to you with a smile, which flustered you.

" ¿Vaya? ¿Por qué estás mirando, querido? " Cesar gave a sly grin, and you got even more flustered.
(^Oh? Why are you looking, dear?)
(Actually wanted it to be 'staring' but oh well)

" I was only thinking about how cute you were... but I think I forgot you were much more handsome than that. " You mumbled, before hugging Cesar and pulling him down onto the couch. He kept his smile, you looking annoyed at him. Cesar enjoyed seeing that face of yours, how you'd always pout when mad. Especially those cheeks. Just as he thought of that, he would pinch your cheeks. You were baffled for a moment, before closing your eyes shut in embarrassment.

(Slightly heaty just for like 10 seconds)

" Hmhm...adorable~... " Cesar said before cupping your cheeks and french kissing you. Your face flushed, and you couldn't help but let out a few sounds before you pat his back hastily as a sign to breathe.

Cesar and you parted, a string of saliva connecting you both.

" Mi Amor, you taste delicious~ " He chuckled, before you grumbled to yourself and looked away. You sat up properly, and pushed him down onto the cushions, you falling on top of him. The impact felt cushioned, but you were more worried for Cesar.

" Are you alright? Did I use too much force? Shit-- I shouldn't have fel- " You got cut off by Cesar placing a finger on your lips.

" No, no- querido, it's alright. Just lie back down, I like it like that. " He smiled at you, you still having worried eyes before giving off a sigh and laying on his chest. His heartbeat comforted you, as you wrapped your arms around him and closed your eyes.

" ... Sleeping so soon, mi amor? " Cesar whined, as you nodded your head softly. He would think of ways to get you to stay up a bit longer.

Suddenly, he sat up a bit, making you nearly fall off if you weren't half awake. You looked at him with a grumpy tired look, and he faced it with a sweet smile.

" How about some sugar-coated gummies? Or snacks? " He asked, and you sat there to process it a moment. Finally, you decided to give in and hugged him, nodding your head. How does he always know exactly what you want? Cesar smiled, before patting your back, you getting off of him. He got off the couch first, him holding his hand out for you. You gave a soft smile before getting up with him. ' What a gentleman.. ', you thought.

The both of you walked hand in hand to the kitchen, you opening the fridge for your gummies, Pocky (Chocolate or Strawberry),  and the soda of your choice.

Cesar watched closely, as if planning something.

" My love! We should watch some movies together! What are your thoughts? " Cesar asked as he took the Pocky from you, your hands were full so.

" Sure, Cesar. " You smiled, before he ruffled your hair. Your face flushed, and he blushed at the moment as well. It was a moment before you two walked back to the living room with some awkward tension.

You two decided to watch a comedic show, and how many times you gave out your tired laughs always made Cesar smile. Finally, he realized he was still holding the unopened Pocky box. With that, he got an idea.

(Slightly heaty moment part 2, I'm sorry)

" ... Querido~ " Cesar called out, and you immediately blushed at that tone. Whenever he used spanish, you knew something may or may not happen. You turned to him, watching him open the box of Pocky. ' Oh no. ' You thought, there was no way you were going to be able to endure this. Finally, Cesar got a pocky stick, and put an end to his mouth. He faced you, waiting for you to bite the other end.

Your face immediately went pink, and you hesitated a moment before biting onto the other end. Cesar took a chunk out, resulting in him being quite close to your face. You got even more nervous and flustered, which was exactly what he wanted to see. Slowly, you bit a small part away, to which Cesar immediately got closer. At this point, it was either; 1. You kiss him now or 2. You take a small piece away. You were too nervous to kiss him, and your face was burning. Your heart was racing, so you bit a small part of it away. Right away, Cesar went in for a tongue kiss.

You barely had any time to react, but you allowed him to do whatever. Cesar pushed you down a bit before you two parted, panting for air. It was before he kissed you again, just less rough. When you two stopped, you guys stared at each other.

" Eres hermoso, querido... " Cesar complemented, he had taught you a bit of Spanish, and he'd take the chance to complement you every time. You smiled, kissing his lips again before laying on the couch.

" Te quiero mucho, Cesar. " You replied, letting a loose laugh out, you were tired from the amount of tension you two just had. Cesar chuckled, eating more of the pocky.

" Love you too, dear~ " He leaned over to give you one last kiss, before you closed your eyes to fall asleep. The last thing you felt and heard was the blanket being placed over you, and Cesar's voice saying; " Buenas noches, querido... "

I think I made Cesar too flirty, my apologies to the one who requested this.

Word count: 1000

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