Eight | Here at Sabaody Park.

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[ 1-year time skip ]

A brand new journey, you had grown into a fine woman with soft (h/c) curls that stopped at your neck and a beautiful voice. Fulfilling your dreams of travelling abroad, tasting new cultural food and adding them to your ever-growing list of well-renowned recipes across the grand line.

Not only had you grown in your appearance but also in strength. Just a couple of months back, you had eaten a devil fruit, stripping you of your ability to swim. Known as the ''Tori Tori no mi'' zoan type fruit, adarna model. This gave you the ability to lure your enemies into a deep slumber simply by using your voice. Serves as a good defensive technique in your life against criminals and perverts who wanted to steal or hurt you.

Even now as you grew older, you still wondered how they were doing. The straw hats. Were they still the same reckless bunch? You saw them in newspapers often and on new bounty posters. Your family still despised them, yet deep down you were rooting for them. You missed them. Reliving the memories you had with them in your dreams. One person that kept pestering your mind persistently when you left was Sanji. The night you slipped away from the ship unnoticed. In your lousy disguise, you caught a woman bump into him searching for someone in distress.

''Have you seen a young boy with short girl-ish dark (h/c) hair, a brown pair of trousers and a blue shirt walking around here?'' He asked desperately.

''No, not here sir. I'm sorry.'' A young woman apologised, visibly sorry to upset the man.

''Is your brother missing?'' The woman proceeded to question.

''No, it's a young girl. She ran off.''

''In this cold rain,'' the lady gasped in horror. ''I sympathise with your concern. You should ask the city guards to throw a search party for the poor girl. Hopefully, she hasn't gone far or been kidnapped.'' Sanji turns around, almost catching your eye before you managed to turn around.

Facing him at the time was something you couldn't do. After everything he said to you, you didn't even have the courage to look him in the eye. Neither were you interested in an apology from him. It was unmistakable, the feelings you had for him weren't mutual and hence one-sided. You would rather spare yourself his rejection than hear the painful truth from his mouth.

Now in the present moment, you'd grown much stronger than before. Strong enough to defend yourself. Along the way, you made good friends, parted ways with toxic relationships and even explored finding some love in real men other than the ones you read about.

Strolling around with your candy floss in hand at Sabaody park, unbothered and content alongside your stubborn unchanged greedy sister. It was your third round of ordering the same irresistible candy floss at the Sabaody candy shop, having escaped your sister's company. You came across a furry creature with tiny antlers sprouting from its tiny head.


''Huh?'' The confused reindeer turns its head. '' Do I know you?''

''No way Chore boy?!'' The reindeer squealed in excitement tackling you to the floor in tears.

''You've no idea how much I've missed. How much we've all missed you.'' The reindeer cried.

''Calm down, you don't want the salty tears, getting into your candy floss. Do you?''

''I know but I'm so happy,'' the reindeer continued to draw tears from his eyes.

After a few moments of collecting himself together, Chopper proposed the obvious question that has been troubling him.

'' How come you look like a girl?''

''Because I am one,'' you awkwardly confessed.

''You were a girl this whole time??! But-''

''Is everyone also with you, here on this island.'' You looked around anxiously.

''As a matter of fact, I was looking for them around. I gave up and decided to have some candy floss but then came across you. We all planned to meet here so they should technically be around.'' The furry reindeer scratched his head.

''Okay well then do me a favour. Don't tell them I'm here okay?''

''Why not?''

''It's a secret,'' you lied.

''Sure,'' the reindeer hummed.

Little did you know, not far off Sabaody park the infamous ''black foot'' Sanji arrived, in search of his crew members. Coming to a nearby entrance at the park, he saw a familiar face.


The young woman he met at water 7. She looked angry and huffed in frustration. Standing near a food truck, where he was met by the lovely man he met that faithful day he first met her in her family's store.

''Sanji?'' She smiles stunned.

''What brings you here?'' The startled cook says, drawing the cigarette from his lips and into a nearby trash can.

''We're here on a vacation? You?''

''To meet up with the rest of my crew. Is Y/n here too?''

''Well, she's probably somewhere inside Sabaody Park. Anyways, do you want to come with me and try this-''

''I'll be back,'' the pirate dismissed her offer, turning his attention to the park leaving the sister by herself.

Following your reunion with Chopper, the two of you parted ways. Picking up speed, you found your legs moving faster than you wanted them to, speed walking through the maze of tourists and children in the area. Looking around hastily in fear of encountering 'him' here in this park. You made it to a discreet corner with fewer members of the public blocking your path.

''Stop right there. There's no point running from me now.''

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