#4 Warmth

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Ram smiled as Brinda ran after Adi with a pillow in her hand as both the pair laughed, he was overjoyed that his friends had been together since college. That two of his favorite people was each other 's soulmates were something that he was immensely happy with. Ram took a sip of his drink and hummed to the song playing in the party and he looked around, people chatting and couples dancing but none of them seemed more in love as Brinda and Adi, who had bickered over some ridiculous topics and who currently were having a pillow fight and that too in a Kapoor Mansion party.

It was the comfort, the friendship and being yourself completely not bothered by the environment around you that Ram found purely sweet. Like no one else mattered, other than the company of your best friend. Ram tried not to look at Vedika as she danced with her husband, because he really doesn't want to think about what could have been.

Ram can't help but think it's unfair that he will never have someone to dance with, someone who will happily let him steal food from her plate and that he won't get to pull his partners leg just like Adi and Bri always does.

Maybe not everyone is destined to be with their loved one.


Priya was trying to read the assignments so she could grade them, but for the sixth time she heard an annoying loud laugh. Priya stood up from her bed, walking to the window with the intention to shout at the couple who had been dancing in the rain laughing loudly for the last fifteen minutes.

But then she saw a little girl with French braids dancing and giggling with her parents in the rain, the water splashing everywhere. Scolding a couple, she can easily do, but a little girl just so happy to be in the rain with her parents did not deserve to witness a stranger shouting at her parents from the window. Priya sighed, having a loving family like that is not a part of her story.

Priya went back to her bed, thinking about her date with Mr. Kapoor. A small smile appeared on her face thinking he probably was outside in the rain as well like that little girl. She looked at the ring on her finger, both were marrying for the sake of their siblings so they could get their love.

"Atleast someone's lovestory will be complete"

Priya shaked her head, she had a long time ago accepted that love was just not in her destiny and to be frank love scarred her. Because all types of love she had witnessed had not been healthy nor successful.

But for akki and shivi, it will be different that she was certain off. Priya would do everything she could to protect those two, her family's bad luck won't touch those two even if she had to fight the whole world to assure those two stay together happily, she would

Priya 's phone buzzed seeing her fiancé 's name appear on the screen, Priya wondered why he was texting her she had been certain he had sneaked out of the party to enjoy the rain.

Priya openend the text attached with a photo of shivi and akki dancing in the terrance at the Kapoor Mansion

"Look who sneaked to the party, as her older brother I might call the guards"

"As his big sister I think you should, but I think Shivi will stop talking to you for a week if you do" she replied

"Point! I guess I should let them be, just for today. They both do look happy and that's all that matters but for their sake I hope masi or mom don't see them"

Priya laughed as she imagined Shivi's aunt scolding her brother, and the scandalous face she would make

"I think you will have to appoint someone to be their guard" she replied

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