Chapter 3

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With each stride I take, I swear I can feel the sun lighting a fire on my back, trailing from my shining hazelnut hair to my trainer-clad feet. As I continue to drag myself forwards, I hear groans and huffs behind me, emanating from the guys who just an hour ago were all so eager to go on a big group hike. Their regret is clear with each new exaggerated sigh that reaches my ears.

The only two people not moaning their asses off are Caden and Caleb, both of which are marching before me like a pair of soldiers on their way to win a war. The sun seems to enhance them, even from behind. Caleb's blonde hair almost seems to float in the air, wreathed in the sun's glowing golden abundance. And Caden, wearing a thin white shirt, shows off his muscles just by walking, the sheen of sweat on his neck tantalizingly close to those oh-so-defined muscles.

Before I can continue my thoughts, Blake grunts from behind me, "How much farther until we reach this stupid fucking lake?"

In the day that I have spent here so far, I have learned that Blake is the guy here with the shortest temper, although he strangely has one of the calmest demeanours. 

Caleb spins around to face use, a huge smile on his face as he says, "Race you to the top of the hill and you'll find out!"

And with that, he sprints away, Blake and JJ chasing after him with Fins quick to follow. I'm surprised when Caden, arrogant as he is, doesn't join the race, but instead slows to fall into step beside me. We watch in silence as the four men harass each other in order to beat each other in their childlike game. 

My laboured breath is becoming deeper and louder; it breaks through the silence whilst he manages to stay completely quiet. In an attempt to stop my noisy breathing, I hold my breath and wait before forcing it out of my lungs as shallowly as possible. Looking up as I continue my new breathing method, I see that all of the guys have made it to the top and have now disappeared - presumably to the lake Caleb was so intent upon finding.

All of the guys except one. 

I turn to look at Caden and am startled to meet the grey pools of his eyes, staring intensely at me. I part my lips and gasp with shock, surprise commandeering my balance and ensuring that I fall in the least graceful way it it possible to fall. Screwing my eyes shut, I wait for my head to hit the dusty ground; after a few seconds I realise a hand is supporting me, keeping me upright.

His fingers dig into the flesh on my back, holding me with ease as my vision becomes a fuzz of black. Head reeling, I try to stand in a stubborn attempt to prove that I don't need this obnoxious guy's help. Instead, he says ,"Oh no you don't." and lowers me to the ground. I feel my head thump against the ground and let out a strained moan.

When I open my eyes, I again meet Caden's grey ones; as his eyes stare down at me with his brows pulled together, I allow myself to study this face that, in the past twenty four hours, has annoyed me more than any other. His tan seems even darker in the sun; there is a slight radiance in his skin that makes it seem like he's practically glowing. I'm definitely hallucinating. Before I can turn my eyes away, they find the strong build of his jawline and the muscles rippling just beneath his leathery skin. 

I don't know how long I've been lying down for - what could be seconds or hours has evaporated into the air, sucking away tension and leaving behind a strange sort of serenity as I focus on his face. Only when I see his jaw moving and his lips opening do I realise he's speaking to me.

"...had no breakfast. I didn't realise you were stupid enough to not think of that before heading out on a hike in ninety degree heat!" and just like that, the calm is ripped away and replaced by me ever-growing irritation for the man before me. I snap out of my daze-induced trance and bolt upright, only to be met with darkness where my eyes are supposed to be. Stupid fucking vision.

Bringing a hand to my forehead, I take a deep breath and focus on clearing my line of vision. I know how to deal with this by now, and when it comes to one very annoying guy and being humiliated in front of him, I will not  let it win. I wait until the blackness has disappeared before cutting Caden's rambling voice short.

"First of all, stop fucking annoying me! Leave me alone, I can deal with my own shit! All morning you have just been constantly commenting on me just because you  walked into a washroom that was obviously in use! Second of all, it's my business about what I eat, when I eat and I don't need some smart-ass telling me what to do. I don't know why you decided to walk with me but you can go play with your friends now. Just leave me alone." by the time I'm finished, I've risen to my feet; even though he's much taller than me, I manage to glare into those stupid eyes of his. Eyes that seem completely unfazed by my recent outburst.

Looking down, I see that in his hand is a granola bar. He presses it against my stomach as if that will make me take it from him. Glancing back at him, I see his gaze has found mine; he is staring defiantly at me. Before I can decline, he says, "Eat it. I have all day to waste so don't even try to argue with me."

Glowering at him, I cross my arms over my chest and wait. I will not be beaten by this idiot. One thing this guy should know about me is that I don't take kindly to being told what to do and my stubbornness will always win. For what feels like hours, we glare each other out, that damn granola bar pressing harder and harder against my stomach to the point of pain.  

Grey eyes boring into mine, I feel the tension expanding, thriving in the air around us and suffocating me. The edge of his lips turns up in a smirk as he watches me snatch the thing out of his hands. That smile quickly disappears when I throw the bar into the foliage surrounding us. His frown only intensifies as I turn on my heel and stalk away from him.

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