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Universe Found


Me: Oh, how nice.

Midoriya: What are Vines, Miss.

Me: Please Izuku. Call me Queenie. I am not that old yet.

Midoriya: I am sorry, Queenie. I'll try to remember that.

Bakugou: Are you going to answer the Nerds question.

Me: I was just getting to that Kacchan.

Bakugou rolled his eyes at me when I called him that.

Me: In my world, Vines are short videos that last for six seconds I do believe. I am unsure since I have only watched Vine compilations off of Youtube.

Mina: This sounds much happier then the last one we watched.

Me: Oh, it by far is. Since we will be watching several little videos with you all in them and don't be alarmed if you say or do anything weird. 

Ochako: Why?

Me: Because this will be set in my world, so a lot of the things you say or do has a result of what the world is doing. 

Midoriya: Alright then. Should we get started.

Me: We shall Midoriya.

 The screen flickers for a minute before Iida comes up onto the screen holding a picture frame with a poorly comped in graph in front of it. "Look at this graph." He says as he just stares at the camera 

Iida: Well that is surprising

Mina: Looks like you are actually fun to be around.

Iida looks at Mina with a bored expression before the screen starts to deliver the next vine. 

 Kirishima appears on the screen with sunglasses on his face and something around his neck before he starts speaking, "So basically um what I was thinking was," Before Bakugou's fist came flying out of nowhere causing Kirishima to say back, "Oh fuck. I can't believe you've done this." 

Bakugou: I liked that one

Kirishima: Of course you did

All of a sudden a burst of laughter took over and everyone looked over to see me cracking up. 

Me: I'm sorry, but some of these are just really funny

In the next one Denki was holding the camera as he waited for Aoyama to round the corner. Once he say him coming he yelled causing Aoyama to jump in surprise. "Stop, you could have made me drop my croissant." Aoyama complained as Denki started laughing. 

Aoyama: That was not sparking

Denki was holding back his laughter as he responded: It was a little funny man

Mina: Yeah it was

 Mina then showed up on the screen in a red dress. "Hi, I'm Mina Ashido and I'll be you're free style dance teacher." Then she started to dance like a weird robot for a little bit.

Mina: That is false. I do not dance like that.

Denki was laughing with Kirishima as Mina was complaining about it. Mean while I was doing the dance with Tsu smiling.

Kota came on the screen holding his elbow. "Mothertrucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick." As he started to walk away, Iida came on screen for a split second looking disappointed. "Watch your profanity."

Midoriya: Where did Kota learn those words from?

Bakugou: What do you mean 'watch you profanity' he said no cuss words in that sentence.

Iida just shook his head as Denki was repeated the vine

Then the screen switched to someone driving a car coming up to a 'road work ahead sign' "Road work ahead," The person said before the camera moved their face showing it to be Denki. "Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does."

Bakugou: And here I thought you couldn't be anymore of an idiot

Denki: So mean Bakubro

Toru appeared on the screen, visible, before she started speaking. "People say I can't do what I love without college." The view switches to just her face in the corner of the screen as she continues. "I don't need no degree to be a clothing hanger." Then Toru appears with a hanger in her shirt as she hangs herself on her door.  

Toru: I'm right you know.

Everyone looked at Toru weirdly as I just nodded in agreement.

A whole bunch of deer is seen out a window being recorded by someone. Until another person sneezes and they all flee. "Nice going Denki," Mina says as Denki responds back to her. "I sneezed! Oh I'm not allowed to sneeze now."

Mina looked disappointed in Denki as he looked back at her with confusion. 

Sero was blowing smoke out of his mouth as it started to cover the table, before someone blew it all away. Sero looked up shocked, "Kiri."

Sero: How could you do this to me bro.

Kirishima: It was kind of funny

All of a sudden the screen turned off and started making a weird start up noise 

Midoriya: Is it suppose to make that noise, Queenie.

Me: No it is not. I'll have to get my friend in here to fix it and that could take a bit.

Mina: Aww. I liked that universe.

Me: I know you did, but unless we fix this now we might mess up the Multiverse and I do not what to bring down the wrath of the Multiverse God.

Midoriya: There's a Multiverse God

Me: Of course there is. How else to you expect everything to run smoothly and not crash into each other. 

Bakugou: If there is this so called Multiverse God. Aren't you going to be in trouble for showing us the Multiverse

Me: Actually no Kacchan. I happen to be friends with him and I promised that as long as I didn't break anything then I could show you anything that this machine brought up. 

Kirishima: Who is this friend that needs to fix your machine. 

Me: Oh, right. Fixing the machine. While I get my friend to get over here to fix it I think I can get it to work enough to show us some memes

Mina: How nice!

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Memes found . . . 

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