"You were always present in my life"

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-after tae explained to Jk they stayed talking for a bit and then jk went to do his job and went to the office that tae gave him- 

-Knock on the door-

jk: pass

XXX: Hey Jungkook

Jk: Jennie, what are you doing here, do you also work here (he gets up and they hug)

Jennie: yes I work here and how do you feel knowing that the love of your life is your boss

Jk: funny, but I was a little surprised since I didn't imagine that he was my boss, and you know I think he's more handsome now than before

Jennie: there I would like to have a boyfriend like yours, oh and they are a boyfriend, right?

Jk: Well, you don't know that the dating thing was at the university, I don't know if it's still, but we'll see what happens

Jennie: that yes, you'll see soon I'll see them giving huggable kisses (laughs)

Jk: hahaha hey I should introduce you to hoseok they would make a nice couple

Jennie: There is Jungkookie I already lost hope of finding someone handsome and with good feelings

Jk: Hoseok is a good person one of these days I will introduce him to you and you will see that you will like him

Jennie: well we'll see about that hahaha

- that's where Tae comes in-

Tae: I interrupt something (serious)

Jk: we didn't just talk

Tae: ujum less talk more work don't you think (looking at the papers on jk's desk)

Jennie: well I'm going Jk I have things to do bye

Jk: ok bye see you (smiles) sorry for that I will finish those papers on time don't worry

Tae: Jungkook I didn't come for the papers

Jk: no and what happens do you need something Mr. Kim?

Tae: could you stop seeing me as your boss

Jk: well that's what you are right? my boss works for you

Tae: Jk don't pretend you know what I'm talking about

Jk: well if you don't tell me how I'll know I'm not divine Kim taehyung

Tae: Jk are we still more than just friends or was that just in college?

Jk: well I don't know, that's what I wanted to ask you too

Tae: you don't like me anymore?

Jk: if I like you I will never forget you tae

Tae: I couldn't forget you either Jk at that time without you there wasn't a moment that I didn't remember you you were always present in my life

JK: and you in mine

Tae: so what if we get back together

Jk: we never finish tae

Tae: that means you're my boyfriend

Jk: hahaha I was always your boyfriend taetae

-From the emotion tae gives Jk a hug, tae went to give him a kiss but at that moment someone opens the door-

Manager: Jungkook these papers are wrong or am I interrupting something

Tae: we weren't just talking about work stuff

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