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BAILEY MARSH , also known as 'the unfuckable twin'. Yes, the nickname wasnt suited for a 13 year old, but with the rumours that were spread about her twin sister, Beverly Marsh, she was known as the opposite of her sister.

See, bailey never fit in with people, you could say it was the same with her sister, but she always felt different. That was until she met Bill Denbrough and Richie Tozier. They were her bestfriends since she was 5. There little group became bigger when they met Eddie Kaspbrak and Stanley Uris. They were known as the 'losers'. She couldnt care less since the 'losers' where something she wouldnt trade for the world. Thought she probably didnt show that affection, she knew they knew.

She always felt best when she was around them, this feeling never changed. Except once. It wasnt exact for the whole group, it was for Bill. As long as she can remember, shes had the biggest crush on Bill, but she knew he thought of her as just a friend and never tried anything. She was going to the october of 88' but the event that occurred in that month made it impossible for her.

Bill and Bailey were bestfriends, and with that, Bailey thought of Georgie as her little brother. Bailey loved him to bits and would do anything for him. She knew what it was like being ignored by an older sibling and didnt want Georgie feeling like her, so with that, she did her best for him. As much as Bailey loved Georgie, it always seemed liked Georgie loved her more, well that was what he claimed.

October 1988. Georgies death. As hard it was for Bill, it was the exact same for Bailey. Georgie was her little brother too. Now with him gone, she grew quieter, she wasnt herself anymore, it took sometime for her to get back to her usual self, but she was never fully complete.

Beverly and Bailey never had a good relationship. It felt like they were always fighting and never happy with eachother. Beverly was older by two minutes but always acts like she gets the advantage over bailey. Their relationship became worse with their mothers death. Apparently it was Baileys fault she died to both Bev and her dad. She always felt alone with her family. They barely saw eachother aswell, which did not help their relationship. Bailey always slept over at someone elses house. Never her own. Because of her dad.

The losers were her real family, the family she trusted, the family she never lied to, the family she truly laughed with, the family that was always there. Replacing Bev was Richie. Although Georgie felt like Bails little brother, there was also Richie. Richie and Bails were inseparable, infact, she was basically living at his house because of the many times she slept over. Richie likes Bailey very much, but not in THAT way. Richie never did, neither of them did.

Bailey herself was never the type to move on easily, long story short, she cant handle change. With that, a big fear of hers is losing her family. No not Beverly and her dad. The losers. Her real family.


NAME: Bailey MarshNICKNAMES: Bails, redhead, the unfuckable twinLOVE INTEREST: Bill Denbrough AGE: 13SEXUALITY: PansexuelPRONOUNS: she/herFEAR: losing her family

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NAME: Bailey Marsh
NICKNAMES: Bails, redhead, the unfuckable twin
LOVE INTEREST: Bill Denbrough
AGE: 13
SEXUALITY: Pansexuel
PRONOUNS: she/her
FEAR: losing her family. (the losers.)

font - times new roman
colour - black
size - any

swearing, abuse, blood, fighting, mention of death, clowns


author speaks!!
hi 🫶🫶

finally uploading after not for ages!!

anyways cant wait to start writing this 😋😋

love - el !

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