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THE BOYS STARED AT THE TWO REDHEADS, MESMERISED BY THEM. Not only have they not seen a girl only in their underwear and bra, there were now two, laying right in front of them.

The boombox played songs as the losers seemed hypnotised by them, mouths wide open barely blinking. You could possibly mistake them as statues.

They each stared, mouths wide open. Richie soon noticed that Bill was staring a little too long at just Bailey, with his cheeks all shades of red.

Beverly turned her head towards them, and Bailey carried on laying on her back, with her eyes shut. This made the boys all jump back to reality and look in any direction except the girls, except Bill. There he sat, staring at Bailey, eyes drawn to her, feeling like no one else was there but them.

"news flash ben! schools out for summa" Richie yelled in a newscaster accent, flipping through all the books in the new kids bag.

"oh that? thats not school sutff" Bill replied, as Richie took out some sort of postcard.

"Who sent you this?" He laughed, almost flipping it to the other side to read it, but getting stopped by Ben arguing back.

Bailey began to sit up, as Richie ruffled through bens bag more, he took out a folder, filled with all sorts of derry shit.

"Whats with the history project?" Richie asked, jokingly not expecting Ben to give a response.

"Oh well, when i first moved here, i didnt really have anyone to hang out with" Ben explained, soon getting cut off by Bailey.

"Ben, no one wants to hear your life story," she barged in, standing up and making her way to a free spot next to Bill. "Let me see that." She added, snatching the papers from Richie.

"Hey!" Richie exaggerated. Bailey laughed, reading the papers in her hand. By now, Bev was sat in between Richie and Ben, staring at the papers in Baileys hands.

As everyone stared at the papers, Bill stared at Bails, who was right next to her. They'd always been friends, like, forever, and nothing came in between them but right now, as Bill stared at Bailey, at her eyes, her freckles, her hair, he didn't know what his feelings were.

"Whys it all murders and missing kids?" Richie asked, snatching the papers back from Bailey, as she rolled her eyes, Snapping Bill out of his daydream.

"Derrys not like any town I've been  in before, they did a study once, and it turns out... people die- or disappear six time the national average" Ben commented.

"Well, no shit, you've seen derry." Bails added, trying to lighten the mood as everyone stared in disbelief.

"Thats just adults. Kids -- are worse. Way worse." Ben added.

"oh." Bailey glimpsed at the folder which had trailed of to Stan's hands now.

"Ive, I've got more stuff if you want to see it." Ben smiled at everyone. Bailey laughed at the sight of Eddie crossing his head in horror.

"I sure do, plus I wanna see where this new kid lives" Bailey shrugged, getting up and beginning to get dressed back into her clothes.


The groups bikes road in a bundle, all following Ben as drove into his drive way, dropping his bike onto the grass. The losers copied, except Stan, who propped his bike up.

They all followed Ben through the door. He raced to his bedroom as everyone examined the boys hallway.

"Holy shit." Bev and Bailey said, in sync, staring at the articles, posters, and notes of Bens slightly messy bedroom.

"Woah the twins are finally using their twin telepathy!" Richie giggled to himself as no one else laughed. Well, no one but Eddie.

"Woah Rich finally making his cr- I mean Eddie laugh?" Bailey mocked, raising her middle finger to him.

"Im gonna kill you-" Richie yelled, trying to cover up baileys voice as he ran towards her. Bailey jumped over the bed, running behind bill and grabbing his shoulders, using him as a shield.

Richie rolled his eyes, and put down the weapon he was gonna use to hurt Bailey, which was just a stick he had picked up while riding to Bens.

As Bailey laughed, she realised that her hands were still on Bill, and quickly shoved them to her sides, walking to go examine the wall full of new and old news about derry.

"Whats that?" Stan asked, pointing to where Bailey was looking at.

"Thats the charter for Derry Township." Ben replied, staring at the papers.

"Nerd alert" Richie chuckled, looking over to his friends to his right, seeing if they laughed, but only gave him a 'not funny. shut up' type of look which was not surprising for Rich.

"No.. actually its really interesting." This made Richie go silent, for once in his life. "Derry started as a beaver trapping camp." Ben said.

"Still is, am I right boys?" Richie boomed, raising his hand for a high five but Stan, Bailey and Eddie just gave him the same 'not funny' look.

Bailey glanced over at Bill, who was now looking out the window. As she looked back at the wall, and back to Bill, she realised why he was so quiet. A missing poster of Georgie was hung up on the wall, surrounded by other missing kids posters.

Bill looked over to Bailey who was staring at him and before she turned back around, she gave him a comforting smile. Bill smiled back, about to say something but before he could, she quickly turned back around.

"ninety-one  people signed the charter that made derry," Ben began, "But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."

"The entire camp?" Eddie questioned, observing Ben.

"There were rumours of Indians, but no sign of an attack... Everyone thought it was  a plague or something." Ben stared at the paper of signed names that hanged in front of him. "But, its like one day everybody just woke up and, left. The only clue, -- was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house"

"Holy shit-" Bailey muttered under her breath. At first, she wasn't bothered with all the supernatural nonsense of Derry, but since yesterday, in the woods, the balloons, the clown, and now all of Bens studies, her mind had been changed.

"W-where was the well house?" Bill asked, and now everyones attention was at Bill.

Before Ben answered, he examined the slides on his desk that Bill had taken an interest off.

"I don't know, somewhere in town I guess." Ben shrugged, answering Bills question. "why?"

"Nothing." Bill muttered under his breath. But Bailey knew why, because of Georgie.


author speaks !!
new chpater yay !!

im working on a horror like camp story (something like the second fear street movie) so im excited to publish that after every other book i have to publish 😜

ok bye guys

love — el !!

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