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Airy left for the cabin soon after you had given him your watch, leaving you alone to ruminate as you warmed up by the fireside.

You stared at your hands, replaying the tradeoff with Airy over in your mind. His hands were calloused and cold to the touch from years of surviving in the wilderness... alone.

The more you thought about it, the more it occurred to you that that was probably the first time he had touched another person in years. He didn't react at the time, but you could only imagine what he might have been thinking. You have been dead for a long time, but you were never without access to physical contact.

The flames in front of you slowly faded to embers as the sun rose higher and higher above the treetops, the light blue of daytime chasing away the gentle hazel glow of dawn. With the scenery brightening bit by bit, the vines from earlier caught your attention again.

You stood up from your spot, stretching your limbs as you prepared to investigate the suspicious curtain. As you made your way over, you wondered just how big this place really was. It seemed like the only way out of the immediate area was that ramp near the waterfall, but what about beyond that? Was there even a "beyond that?"

You put a pin in those thoughts as you finally reached your destination. You were just about to pull the vines back when a sudden shiver crawled up your back, making you hesitate. What the hell...?

Ignoring the feeling, you went on to pull the vines back anyways, but your mind could not have prepared you for what you saw.

Behind the vines was a small cave, and in that small cave sat a stool in front of a wooden table with a computer on top, and miniature floating planets all around.

You just gawked at the sight for a minute, wondering how the computer was getting power. How there were mini planets just... there. It all almost looked like some sort of lair.

You took slow, cautious steps into the room, your brows furrowing more and more in confusion the closer you got to the setup. The monitor had a bunch of windows open on it that were full of code you couldn't make sense of. A cable hung down from the bottom of the biggest planet to the right of the table planet and snaked around to where it connected to the back of the computer. Upon further inspection of that planet, you saw what looked like tiny objects living on it, either sitting down or milling about.

Your mind was racing for a million explanations at what you were seeing. There was no way this was all real, right? Surely, this must all be-

You were jolted out of your thoughts by Airy's hesitant voice calling your name from the cave's entrance, and you turned around to face him.

"Airy, what is all this? Is this some sort of... weird... videogame?"

"That's-" He floundered for a minute.

"Yeah. It's... it was already here when I got here. I've been running a... game show."

So it was a game... You peered down at the people on the planet's surface, your interest piqued.

"Really? That's pretty cool. You know, I was just starting to think this planet was going to be the first one I'd have ever visited that had nothing cool on it! Other than you, of course."

You turned back to face him with a closed eyed smile, but he just kind of... stared at you. The air grew awkward, and right before you could apologize for pushing any boundaries (you had thought you two were in a budding friendship), he gestured behind himself with a thumb.

"I made you a bed. In the cabin."

It was a really random thing to say, but once again you cut him some slack for not being the best conversationalist. You gave one last look at the strange little room and at the "contestants" on the planet before stepping back from the setup.

See No Evil (Airy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now