chapter 3- What the hell

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring, I lazily sit up in my bed then finally deciding to get up and get ready, I brush my teeth and dress in my uniform and knock on the door of the guest bedroom and enter as I heard a faint 'come in'

"Hey, good morning" I said and both A-yeong and Jongseob gave me a smile, their smiles look the same, always bright but they hide the pain they're going through

"Good morning!" A-yeong said in a cheerful voice that matched her personality perfectly

"Hello A-yeong, did you sleep well?" I asked her wearing a gentle smile on my face as she nods rapidly making her brother smile

"What about you Seob, did you sleep well or at all?" I asked noticing the tired smile he wore

"I got a little bit of sleep yes but don't worry, I'm fine, thanks" he said with a light head shake

"Alright, let's eat breakfast, than we can pass by your house and get your stuff " I said "C'mon A-yeong, your big brother is going to change his clothes, let's go make a delicious breakfast for him, yeah?" I reach my hand out and she imidiatly takes it smiling really big, before we left the room Jongseob called me which made me turn around and face

"Intak, thank you, so much, I don't know how to pay you back" he said glancing at the floor before looking back at me

"You don't have to pay me back, you and A-yeong being okay already makes me happy" he gives a big genuine smile "get changed Yeah? We don't want to be late ok?" I tell him and he nods, I leave the room closing the door and me and A-yeong make our way to the kitchen

"So, what is your big bro's favorite food?" I ask her with a smile and she thinks for a little before speaking

"He really like eggs, rice, well basically anything but he doesn't like seaweed, he can't eat it at all" she said and I nodded

"Okay then, no seaweed, got it" I said and I get some eggs and few other things and start making breakfast

As I was cooking Jongseob came in and his sister ran to him who picked her up in his arms and I smiled at their actions, sometimes I wish I had a sister or a brother so I didn't feel as lonely but I knew it would probably mess with my parents schedule so I accept it as it is

"Need any help?" Jongseob asks setting his sister back on the ground safely and walking towards ne to see what I was doing

"Could lay the table please?" I ask him and point to the cabinet where the plates are

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