✨ Addiction 𖣘 Taehyung

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Member:- Taehyung

When he is addicted to you so much but you don't live long enough to be with him.
~ You as a spy.

Mention of Death, Fire, Murder, Profanity. Swipe at your own risk.
(This imagine is purely fictional. It's not at all related to reality.)

You are Kang Y/N, a spy with 1-year training even though you didn't want to. You were an orphan and the agency took you in. One year ago they started training you. You had no friends, no acquaintances, no relatives. So you were given your first mission today, even though you haven't trained that much. The mission was to steal the important documents of this person, you only saw his photo, you had no idea who he was. The only details you knew about him was that he lived alone and he had no one, Just like you.

You had no choice but to go so that you get freedom from this agency for at least some time. At night, you reached his house and slowly tried to sleep in through the window. It was wide open, it confused you but you still went in. The house was dark and you couldn't see anything. You slowly moved through the walls but bumped into something... No... Someone.

You bumped straight into his buff chest. Your forehead hurt how the heck is he so strong? You looked at him with your innocent doe eyes. He was a tall, strong man. The moonlight shone on his face which revealed his beautiful features. Realizing it's the man you were supposed to steal from you immediately took a step back only to slip onto something.

"AAAAAA-" You screamed as suddenly his one hand caught you by the waist and his other hand on your arm. "Got you!" He said pulling you close. You both had a heated eye contact. Again realizing your position you pushed him away. He clicked on a switch and immediately all the windows closed and the lights came on.

He threw his phone onto the couch and walked past the telephone to get something from the drawer. "Aren't you gonna call the police?" You ask as he chuckles. He suddenly injected something into your arm as he picked you up. "No babe, I think I'll keep you for myself." He said as you went unconscious.

Right now, you are in the basement because the room you are in now looks like a cell. You rested your head against the table when you felt someone yank your hair. You looked up and then to your left, where he was seated. You totally forgot that he was the one who knocked you out. You were unarmed because the agency didn't give me any weapons saying it was an easy mission.

You didn't even notice but you were staring at him. You both maintained eye contact until you broke it off with a sigh. "What is it?" You asked as he looked at you with a smile, you think your heart melted, you have never seen anyone smile so gently and genuinely. "Hey, Babe!" He beamed as you gave him a weird look.


"Looks good." He said pointing at my hair. "Thanks. I did it myself." You reply as he looked it for a little longer. Then, he did something which you never expected.

He raised his hand and gently ruffled your hair. You pursed your lips and closed your eyes, it felt nice. No one ever showed you any affection. "I like you." He said as you looked at him shockingly. "Hair. I like your hair." He said shaking his head as you let out an awkward smile. He removed his hand from your hair. "I like you too, but your hair also, that's what I meant. Sorry, I'm bad with my words." You stared at his blushing face. Your heart skipped a beat while a swarm of butterflies in your tummy was having a concert. Your heart told you, you can trust him. But-

"Who are you?" You ask as he looks at me a bit shocked. "Didn't you receive a file or something about me before getting this mission?" He asked with his confused face. "No, they just showed me your picture, and the topic of the file I have to take." You reply. "That's weird. When I used to be a spy, they used to give a whole file on the target even their relatives. But whatever my name is Taehyung." He mumbles as you note in your mind. 'Taehyung. He was a spy. That's why he knew how I will enter. And he was prepared.'

He suddenly got a call. He looked at you and said, "I will be back. Don't try to escape." He said and left the cell after locking it as I smiled. Why would I?

Time skip (2 weeks later)

You were still locked up in the basement. You felt safe here under his protection. You were ready to sit here for your whole life as long as you were by his side. He used to visit you every day, unlike others you heard about. He used to feed you every evening something heavy so you won't starve the whole day. He will rant about how his day at work went and about how much he liked you. He even escorted you to the bathroom and made you wash thrice a week. You couldn't escape because the bathroom had no windows just an exhaust fan which was tiny enough for your head but for removing it you need tools which you don't have. The doors are always locked so no escape either so you decided to obey him for the time being.

You too slowly opened up to him all In 2 weeks. You didn't realize that you developed feelings even more. And one day you accidentally mumbled an "I like you too." Which didn't go unnoticed by him but he didn't show it. The next day he finally let you out of the basement. He told you not to try to escape became he has cameras set up everywhere. And you didn't.

All you did was watch TV and cooked something. That night you both slept next to each other as he hugged you and you mumbled an 'I love you.' which he responded with an 'I love you too.' Taehyung felt content he finally felt like he found the right one for him. He pecked your forehead and went to sleep.
On the second day, he left for work early as he had a meeting.

Taehyung is now driving home, he finished his meeting earlier than he thought. He quietly started practicing on your marriage proposal, He bought a gold ring which is now resting in his pocket. He felt excited. "Will you marry me, Y/N?" He asked and laughed at himself and drove into the neighborhood. He only saw smoke as he parked the car to the side and got out. He hears some loud noise and ran to the house. There was a fire truck, an ambulance, and multiple police officers outside his house. He saw his house engulfed in fire and smoke. "She is not in the basement. She was on the 1st floor. she couldn't have avoided the fire! Y/N!" He screamed, praying in his mind that you will be okay.

The police officers held him back. They tried to calm him down but he saw paramedics, carrying a body covered with a white sheet. As they were carrying the body away, your hand slipped out of the covers, revealing awful burn injuries. At that moment, he knew you didn't make it. He went silent.

He got into his car and went to the hospital following the ambulance. He slid down the wall and finally cried his heart out. His Y/N is now no longer alive. They brought him your body and he couldn't even bring to see you because your once beautiful face was now all burned up. And it pained his heart, he could save you.

He proceeded with the funeral and came back to his other house. He sat in the hall as the ring from his pocket fell. He picked it up. Suddenly he remembered about the camera, he looked it up to find Y/N in the Kitchen. She was about to cook something, At that time some people barged into the room and asked her something. She moved back and shook her head, kneeling. She was crying. The people left and Y/N slid down leaning against the counter. Suddenly 5 men came in and poured something onto her and the house and lighted a lighter and the camera went blank.

Taehyung's tears were falling freely as he leaned back and cried. He sat up straight and looked at picture you both took yesterday, the only photo of you. His eyes were red with anger and his hands fisted in anger. "I swear I will take revenge for you Y/N, even if it takes my life. I won't leave those bastards free after what they did to you." Taehyung says as he stands up and walks out.

He left with the decision to kill everyone who was involved with your death and to take him to yourself after it's done.


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