Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Evangeline's POV
I woke up to the sounds of birds and the Ray of sunlight from my window and just then, the thoughts of my meeting with Fredrick came to my mind and I smiled only to frown the next minute. He is a stranger and we are possibly not going to meet again or maybe we will meet but it doesn't mean anything right?
It isn't everyday that I wake up feeling refreshed and so I why not make the best of the feeling today, I could go look for a job; yeah definitely I need to look for a job, but firstly I should start with a shower.
Stepping into the bathtub, I couldn't help but think about Stephanie and her outburst last night. I know she was very angry but what I don't know yet is if she is still that angry at me right now, guess I have to see her to find out right. Once I felt completely clean, I stepped out and wore my bathrobe humming a sound as I stepped into my room to pick and wear a casual outfit suitable for staying indoors and only then did I hear approaching footsteps.
Hey Eva you up? Arianna's voice rang from outside my room and the next minute she already opened the door.
You really should learn how to knock Aria! I told her but she scoffed while walking into my room looking around as she entered.
Seems you have been up for while, that's a first. She said and in return I scoffed.
Yeah yeah what ever. I replied her and started packing my hair in a ponytail since I have already prepared and dressed up.
Come down for breakfast then. She said simply and then turned to leave which seems really strange. It is quite unlike her to walk out of my room without some nasty comments or act. I shrugged and followed quietly behind her as we made our way down the stairs.
Ahead of us sat Aunt Mina and Stephanie who was already eating, I don't really know if I should be happy that she is around today for breakfast or not. Arianna went straight to sit beside Stephanie while I took the seat opposite the two of them and closely beside Aunt Mina who was looking as strict as always.
Good morning Aunt Mina, hello Stephanie.
Did you sleep well? Aunt Mina asked and it sure felt like she doesn't care really, maybe she is just asking for formalities.
I did sleep well Aunt, thank you. I replied her with a smile which she totally ignored. My glance slowly shifts to Stephanie who was still busy eating or let's say busy ignoring me. So she is that angry?
I heard you girls had a great time running around the city last night huh? Aunt Mina said all of a sudden and I just couldn't breathe.
We were hanging out Mom nothing much, I mean we don't have much to do at work right? We could come in this evening and... Arianna trailed off as soon as she felt her mom's heated glance on her, I felt it too and believe me when I say that it is scary.
How about you come work with us Eva! Aunt Mina said afterwards and I paused eating.
As what? I mean what are my expected to do there?
You will be a stripper, you are very beautiful for the job and fit too, you will make money. Now what do say darling, it is not everyday you see such opportunities. She had a strange smile.on her face as she spoke, one which I just can't understand what its all about.
You want me to be a stripper? The words sounds all strange to me and even thinking about it was already scaring me as I thought of the crown strippers as Stephanie had called them last night, my own aunty wants me to go on the stage naked dancing in front of a crowd; impossible. When I looked up, Stephanie was already looking at me as if waiting to hear my answer and probably tell out me again if I don't accept, bit I just can't picture myself as a stripper, it all feels like a joke to me. Aunt Mina appeared to be uninterested as she kept adding some fries to her plate and sipping her coffee, but Arianna just like Steph was also throwing glances at me and telling me something that looks like "accept her offer" with her eyes; truth be told, I am as uncomfortable as shit right now.
I can't be a stripper Aunt, I'm sorry but I can't accept your offer. I finally said afterwards but the atmosphere around the table suddenly turned tense but her next words took me by surprise and just like that I felt completely different from what I was feeling before I came down for breakfast.
And why can't you be a stripper? Are you any better than the rest of them?
What does that even mean? I threw back in raising rage not willing to go down without a fight.
You stay in my house Eva, my house my rules....
And one of your rules is to practically force me into becoming your stripper? How pathetic. I replied and watched her eyes take a darker shade of brown from rage.
I wouldn't have you insult me in my own house Eva, it is that or you can as well leave my house. Aunt Mina said with a tone of finality and I sighed, this isn't getting anywhere at all; I can't just leave her house with zero income and zero memory of my past, where exactly will I go?
Ok fine, why don't you just give me a chance to find something doing instead of stripping. I really appreciate all you've done so far but I can't just wake up one-day and be a stripper for crying out loud. Just let me try my best to find a better option. I told her with a much calmer voice and Stephanie rolled her eyes.
And if you don't?
Certainly I will find something better Aunt! I replied trying to sound as convincing as ever but she wasn't buying it at all.
But if you don't Evangeline Wright?
I took deep breaths only to clear my throats afterwards to give her the answer she desires.
I will consider Working for you then but not as a stripper. I told her but she scoffed.
I am no child Evangeline, it is either that or we have no deal at all. She told me and I sighed feeling defeated. It's a deal then!
No shabby jobs young lady and definitely a pay of nothing less than 3,000 dollars and least I forget, you have a week to find something good or ........ She said with all seriousness and I swallowed. This could be harder than I thought.
After that statement, she left the table and probably left for work with Miss Diana her maid following her closely.
Oh God help me, I can't do this at all. I muttered in prayers but I guess Arianna heard me because she suddenly laughed.
Ease up Eva, it's nothing big at all ok.
That is definitely not helping matters now Arias, I will be in my room, I need to start the hunt immediately. I told her and rushed off not waiting for her reply.
I kept thinking about what Aunt Mina said at the table as my heart kept beating faster. I fear that I might have made a deal with the devil himself, what if I don't find a good job within a week as she has given me to find a job that pays real well? I can't be a stripper.
I sighed as.i opened drawers after drawers in my room for any important document but to no avail . If I am to look for a job, what position should I be looking for? Maybe a secretary or a Personal Assistant but who will even want to interview me without some degree evidence.
Argh!! I groaned in frustration and just then my door opened and Arianna entered.
What are you doing Eva? She called out from the door post before entering fully into my room.
Preparing for my job hunt. I replied and she chuckles while walking to come sit by my bed.
You do know it's a fruitless effort right Eva?
Whatever Arias, I can't put up with any prophesy of doom right now. I replied as I walked to the next drawer and yet nothing.
There is nothing wrong with stripping you know right? It's just dancing mostly. She said in a calm voice and I scoffed in return.
Tell me something new Arias.
I'm serious Eva, you are definitely the one overthinking the whole thing, there is nothing difficult there safe for dancing. She pushed but I shook my head.
You seem to be forgetting to add that one has to dance naked on a poll. I told her and she fell silent as if contemplating on what to say.
It's not true, you get to pick your outfits anything you feel will entice guys enough to waste money on you babe. Come on, just leave your she'll a little ok? It wouldn't hurt to try right? She told me with a calm conversation voice but little did she know that I am no way close to getting convinced.
Let's just forget about this Arias, I will try my best to find a good paying job and that's final. I told her but she wasn't buying it at all.
Quit day dreaming Eva, no company will employ someone with no degree and no memories. She spelt out in a totally frustrated voice but I Chuckled.
You never know untill you try Arias. For now, I will go around and see what I can find. I told her picking up my bag and started walking to the door.
What can I say, good luck then Evangeline Wright, don't disappoint. She called after me as I left.
Walking into the streets in the day time feels so different, everyone seems busy and on a mission but only I seem to have no destination in mind.
I walked for some minutes only to get sight of a restaurant some feets away. You sure don't need much to work as a cook or waitress right? Before I could rethink the whole thing, I was already inside the restaurant but only to pause on how busy it was.
Hey how may I help you! Someone said from behind me and then I turned to see a red haired lady with a business like smile on her face.
Hi, I just um wanted to inquire if you have an need for a worker? I asked lightly trying not to sound strange but surprisingly, she smiled.
Come with me. She said and I followed her feeling like someone who just won a level in a critical game. We worked into a hidden passage to a door with an inscription 'Manager' on the door. She signalled me to wait outside and knocked before entering the office and closing the door after her.
I stood there quietly praying and waiting untill she stepped out of the office and told me to go In which I did immediately.
The manager a fat looking woman sat there with a friendly smile on her face as I entered, she signalled me to sit which I did mutturing a thank you.
What's  your name? She asked still with her friendly smile.
Evangeline Wright Ma'am.
Where are you from?
Boston. I replied and she smiled.
That's nice, you seem to be really in need of a job, we don't need workers right now, but I think I can take a waitress nif that's ok with you. She said and I started brimming with smiles.
That's definitely fine Ma'am, thank you. We discussed the price which isn't so big but I feel it should be acceptable and so in excitement, I went home with thoughts of returning to work the next day not knowing about the impending doom.

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