New student

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I'm so mad at myself  cuz I made a one of this BUT IN A FUCKING DRAFT but just read I hope you like this

Skeppy pov:💎💎
I woke up by a loud sound "shut up dumb alarm... " I said I think it was 7:20 am WAIT 7:20 AM?!? I'm going to be LATE I started running to shower and get ready.

Finally done what time is it now 8:30 not bad WAIT MY BELL RINGS SOON I ran for my sister and for my food "BYE MOM LOVE YOU" I said "ME TO-" I push my sister in the car so we don't be that late.

°While driving°

I may have ran though a few red lights but only like two but I really hope we get on time then be late -🔴red light🔴- "SHI-" I said I almost hit a fucking car "ZAK THE FUCK I WAS DOING MY MAKEUP" my sister said "sorry oh wait were here GET OUT NOW" I said as we got out of the car.

I walked to class and oh my teacher wasn't here yet good I won't get yelled at I walked to my seat next to my 'friend' "hey dude did you hear that there's going to be a new kid" my friend said.

"Oh no I didn't I bet she's cute though" I said quackity looked at me with a ew face he liked men and women but mostly men even though he bully most of the boys in our school.

Bad pov:🧁🧁
I woke up before my alarm that's good I guess it is my FIRST day of school yayy?
I went to take a shower after I got some nice clothes put them on my skinny body.

° After bad was done getting dressed°

I'm a bit hungry I'll just eat a apple I got my apple and ate it like a normal person I left my house so I can walk and be a bit late maybe more I had to get there at 8:40 and it 7:00 so I think I'll be there at 8:49 or something.

°time skippp°
I was at my first ever school I was a bit scared and it was a that mostly had boys  so that sacred me more about the new school but then I saw some one not in class?.

I thought the school starts at 7:50 maybe there skipping "hey there" the guy said I think he was with two more people a blue guy and a orange guy "h-hi" I said a bit nervous as you can hear.

"No need to be scared look I'm dream this one is sapnap and my bf george" the dream guy said I look at the time it was 8:59 I'm late oh no "UH BYE IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU BTW I'M BAD" and like that I ran to my new teacher.

Skeppy pov:💎💎
The teacher came in late? That's weird but meh "you can come in now bad" the teacher said I saw the most cutest boy in the world but I looked at quackity he was blushing that's then I knew he liked the new just as much as me ha but.

    He's not going to win him no one else..


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