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We drove to mickeys diner, and took a table, enough to fit all of us. I sat between Luis and Charlie, we ordered our food and started eating. Luis was talking to Russ and Ken about something. "So y/n tell me a little about yourself" I heard Charlie say, I looked at him. "Uh okay, I'm from Wisconsin, I have offers from Madison, Green Bay, Eau Claire, and LaCrosse. I am the middle child of 4 kids. And I play volleyball, middle hitter, that's the main reason I have a lot of offers. Probably gonna go to Madison though, has more of a future there." I explained "now how about you" I asked. "Well I have a beautiful girlfriend named Linda, I currently have no offers. I am a only child, and I only play hockey" he explained. "Well I should teach you how to play volleyball then" I said. Me and Charlie talked some more before leaving. Charlie was a really cool person to be honest. We all split up to get back to our dorms and Luis offered to walk me back.

"So uh... do you like Charlie" he asked looking at his feet. "Nah, even if I did I couldn't, he already has a girlfriend" I answered. "So do you have a boyfriend" Luis asked, he looked desperate for a answer. "Nah never had one, maybe this year, what about you? Ever had a girlfriend" I asked. "Yeah, I did actually, but we broke up, she cheated on me with a senior" he said, he looked really sad. "Awh cmere" I said pulling him into a hug. " thanks y/n" he smiled, we soon reached the dorm and Luis was about to leave.

"Wait!" I screamed. He turned around and gave him a hug. "Thank you Luis" I said letting him go. "Your welcome y/n" he smiled at me before leaving. I flopped onto the bed and soon fell asleep.

I woke up and got ready for school, once I finished I left my dorm and started walking towards the main building. Then I saw Charlie run up to me.

"Hey y/n"

"Hey Charlie"

"You wanna know what Luis said about you yesterday" Charlie said, Luis was talking about me?!

"Uh sure" I said

"All he talked about last night was about how amazing you are and how beautiful you are. He was up all night talking about you." Charlie explained

"Awe that's so nice of him" I blushed at Charlie's statement.

We walked into the main building and saw Luis. "I'm gonna go and see Linda, bye y/n" Charlie said. "Bye Charlie"

I walked up to Luis, he was just standing there, "hey Mendoza" I said walking up to him. He looked sad for some reason. "Luis what's wrong" I asked him. The moment I said that he broke down, tears were everywhere. "My sister got into a accident, I can't see them until Christmas" he cried. I felt so bad seeing him like that. I pulled him into a tight hug, "I'm sorry Luis" I said to him. He hugged you back, he just cried into your shoulder. You rubbed his back and then he looked up at you. "Sorry y/n I got your shirt wet" he said, wiping his tears. "Dont apologized Luis" I smiled at him, he gave it back.

After that I walked to my locker and someone touched my butt. "Uh what the hell perv" I turned around to see some guy there. "Hey pretty girl, I'm Rick Riley" he said, he was about to lean in for a kiss but I just slapped him. I was so disturbed and disgusted by this senior, who does that?" dont touch me perv" I said, kicking him where it hurts, slamming my locker and walking away. "Oh I'll get you back babygirl" I heard him say, I could tell he had a smirk on his ugly fucking face.
A/N: hey guys! Fun fact, all these places in the first paragraph are real. All these colleges are real and are all apart of U.W Wisconsin.

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