fanfiction ending

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The sun beamed down over the island as birds chirped around the area. It was quiet, peaceful even. Silver and Paintbrush sat at the pic-nix table discussing the last challenge. They had both expected to lose but in a turn of events, it seemed that the thinkers would face elimantion once again. If both were gonna be honest, they were expecting to lose on the animation challenge, they had gotten off by nothing but a string despite the thinkers massive budget.

As the two continued to converse with one another until they were soon interrupted with a booming sound.


there it was..

They sighed as the two former (?) rivals shared one last glance before walking over to the booming sound. The contestants all over the island sighed as they came to realize what was about to happen. Candle got up from he meditation spot, yinyang ran to the field, and Floory simply *popped* his way there. They all circled around the blue device as they waited for the announcement

He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"So if you couldn't tell, we have a challenge today! Some simple rock climbing!" Mephone's usual energetic and loud tone blared through a mega phone.

Everyone covered their ears in annoyance.

"Jeez, what's the megaphone for. We can already like- hear you normally!"
Bow shouted from the back of the crowd around Mephone.

"Well jeez, if you really must know: my internal speakers were a bit damaged from having to set up this whole challenge for you all! You should be thanking me."
Mephone paused as if expecting some sort of thank you, but was met with silence.

"Ugh whatever, anyways-"

Silver covered his ears in annoyance as the device rambled, he wasn't sensitive but he hated whenever someone like him was loud. Paintbrush noticed.

"It's probably gonna be worse than it sounds." They said with an attempt to console the utensil.
"I wouldn't be surprised.."
Silver replied quickly.

"All you have to do is get all your teammates up to the top of the wall before the timer dings! If you and your team climbs over all 5 check points, you get 10 points. If you fall, you'll lose one point for your team. But then again, falling from this height isn't exactly amazing, now is it?"

As he finished his sentence, a hand raised up from the crowd of objects.

"Uhm, question!"
Test tube said as she dragged her arm down from the air.

"What happens if we fall? Like, do we respawn, because even the first checkpoint seems a bit high up."
"Well...I can't say for sure but for "safety purposes", you'll respawn at the bottom of the mountain"
"Oh, alrighty!"
Test tube replied with an easy tone.

"Any other questions before we get started?"
Mephone questioned before pausing once again.

"Actually I had a question abou-"
"None? Okay let's get started!"

"Three, two, one, GO!"

Then the challenge begun. Silver stared at the wall infront of him, as if studying or examining it's rough texture. It looked like it had been here for years! It has dust on every corner and- was that a spider web?! Ugh, was this really the best thing Mephone could've made? As he stood still cringing at the state of the wall, he saw Bow began to climb the rock wall. Then Test Tube, then Balloon. Jeez, they're starting already..

He really didnt want to get himself dirty, after all he did just polish himself not even an hour before. But he should've expected this I guess. Mephone wasn't exactly one to follow sanitary protocols, he didn't really follow any protocols for that matter.

As his mind wondered by judging Mephone's standards he felt a nudge in his side and looked to his left to see Paintbrush with a confused face.
"You gonna climb or..?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going."
Silver replied with an uninterested tone as he rolled his eyes, god this was going to be hell. He walked up to the wall and debated whether he should actually do this challenge. He knew he would be up for the next elimantion if he fell short of one challenge.

He put his hand on a dirty rock as he positioned his foot. He adjusted his weight evenly so he wouldn't fall.

And then he began to climb.

Silver put one foot in front of the other as he tried to keep his balance on the rocks. The roughness of the rocks scraped the palm of his hand. He winced at the pain but choose to ignore it. He looked up to see Bowbot, Test Tube, and Balloon still climbing. It seemed like they were already at check point two. God he really needed to hurry up.

As he tried to climb faster,he heard a small bell ding. "Checkpoint....1!" The robotic voice rang from the inside of the wall. He grimaced. My goodness, had he really spent that long attempting to climb just to finally hit checkpoint 1?! It was a start at least...

As he continued to climb, he felt compelled to look to his side. As he did, he saw candle flying up to the top of the wall. He stared at her, the memories of the volcano and the elimantion flooding through his head all at once. He might've even forgot he was still on the wall. As he stared at her in awe, she looked back at him with her opened third eye. She gave him a light smile before making a waving motion with her hand. It seemed like a movement gesture. As he stared at her in confusion he felt his hand


"w-woah, aa-AAA!"
Silver shouted as he felt himself fall to the side. He attempted to grab onto the wall once again but was met with thin air. Oh god this was gonna hurt. But it's fine, Mephone said they would respawn at the bottom, right? He felt the wind rush past him as his heart beat slowed. This wasn't the first time he died, no- but this fall felt a lot slower than it probably looked. He looked to his side to see the ground and before he could even process it he-


The sound of metal clanging rang throughout the field. Everyone who was on the wall looked down to see what had happened and...
oh my god.

Laying flat was a now snapped Silver Spoon. His face wasn't visible from the angle he laid at but the blood sure was. It was spread all around his body and it stained the lush green grass a crimson red. He had been snapped from the neck of his body. Everyone was silent. No one knew what to do. Do they get down from the rocks, do they continue the challenge, do they wait for Mephone to do something? Confusion filled the air from all angles.

As some stared at the body below, some couldn't bring themselves to look. Paintbrush stared in awe at the body below them. They had just watched their former rival die.

It seems like the prince has truly been-


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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