New world, new life, new scythe

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I was walking from college back to my apartment. Luckily it wasn't far so it was always short walk to and from. Luckily I only had one class for today so it was mostly just listening to a lecture and taking notes. So in my bag I just had my notebook, my phone, some wireless headphones, my chargers, and a copy of (favorite book) . Even though I've read it before I still love it, so if I get bored I can listen to music and read. Then again I can't forget my lighter and pack of cigarettes. I know it's bad for you but old habits die hard, I guess.

'What the hell?' I looked up to see a tower. This tower was way taller then any other building that I knew of and it wasn't there yesterday. I blinked hard wonder if I was crazy or if the student loans were getting to me. The next thing I knew I was on a tall building. Surrounded by skyscrapers for miles the most noticeable thing was that tower was here to. "W-wait what?" I took in my surroundings starting to panic in this sudden unfamiliar environment. "What in fuck nuggets is this!? How did I get here!? Is this the back rooms or some shit?" I just stood around trying to understand what was going on until I heard something.

'That sounds like a door! I wonder if there's anyone here to?' I followed where I thought I heard the sound coming from till I found a door leading into the building I was on top of. However there was a suspension bridge near the door connecting to a nearby building. 'Ok. That's not something you see every day.' I noticed there were a lot of bridges connecting buildings. For the moment I ignored it, 'If someone else is here I have to ask them whats going on before anything else. This place is so baron who knows when I'll meet another person.' I opened the door to be met with stairs going down. When I got to the next floor I heard foot step. 'Oh what a relief!'

Turning the corner I called out, "Hey someone here!? I have no idea of what's happening and I-" There was a person now in front of me but they were covered in something bright red.
At their feet was someone else, completely cut in half. "Oh my God!" The person turned to look at me, it was some guy in a mask holding a scythe. "Heh ehe he," I laughed nervously. Nothing about the situation was funny but it looked like this man killed that person. "What the fuck? I think I'm going to be sick. Hey tell me this is some cruel joke, right?" My voice was shaking. He didn't say anything he just stepped towards me. "H-hey I'm talk to you! You, you kill the guy right!? Answer me!" The uneasiness in my voice quickly turned to fear. He didn't respond. The mask man raised his scythe over my head. "Oh crap!"

He swung down trying to cut me, I jumped out of the way. To the side and on to the floor. He took another step. Immediately I picked my self up and ran for it, down the hall just trying to get a way from this masked man. I looked back and, to just my luck, he was running after me. "Shit!" I ran around a corner to find more stairs. Once I got to one a set of steps I hopped the railing onto more stairs, trying to increase the distance between me and him. Unfortunately I was soon met with a metal wall. "No no no!" I banged on the wall but it was useless so I rushed onto the floor I was now stuck on. 'Rooms! Hide! I can hide here!' I ducked into a random room I found hoping it would keep me safe for the moment.

I quickly looked around, 'If he finds me that door won't stop him. This isn't a school shooting drill, hide and pretend you're not there every thought they know you are. I need something to protect myself!" The room looked like an apartment. I was standing in an open floor area where it was a foyer, kitchen, and dining room all in one. I checked the cabinets but there were no knives,or plates, even basic utensils. And all the dining room had was a flower vase on a table with some chairs. 'Shit that's all I get!?' I picked up a chair and went to the side of the front door. 'If he comes in I'll jump him, hopefully I can surprise him and make a stand.'

The door knob turned and I held my breath. He walked in not noticing me yet and I didn't give him more then a second to even try. Just like that I'm on him, hitting him with the chair right over the head causing him to stumble. I tried to take the scythe from him but he was strong, clinging to it like he would die with out it. He slammed me up against the door knocking the wind out of me but I wouldn't let go. You see I play dirty so, I kicked him where the sun don't shine and he backed up holding his croch. I took the vase from the table and slammed it into his face. The mask man lost his balance catching himself on the wall. Before I could stop myself I turned my body before spinning around back to him, getting as much force as possible till the blade cut his head right off.

"Thump!" I tripped falling back. I couldn't believe what I've just done. "Oh God! I-I killed him!" 'But he was going to kill me. He deserved it! But killing people is wrong.' "FUCK!" After spending some time collecting myself all I had felt to do was to leave. Still in shock I slowly walked back upstairs. I walked on the suspension bridge looking over the side walk. 'This is very high up, if someone where to fall... They'd die instantly with no pain. Maybe if I-' My dark thoughts were luckily interrupted by a scream. For a place the looks like it has no one for miles you do find people fast.

Another mask on the other side of bridge attacking someone. I don't know what compelled me to but, I ran  across bridge to the building where the person was getting attacked. The mask didn't notice me so I hit them with the back side of the scythe taking the hand of the person getting attacked and running around the corner. It seems like you could go into this building too. 'Yo, you ok?' I looked at them seeing if they were hurt. "Hm? Yeah thank you." They smile at me gratefully, but the sweet moment was only brief.

Both our faces changed into shock and terror as they got impaled by a spear. They collapsed and the lady with the spear and mask on charged at me. I used the poll of the scythe to push the blade up giving me an opening. I swang the scythe up slicing her arm off before I used the back of it to slam it into her head. That broke her mask. She screamed and rambled about how she was now defective and needed to be disposed of herself. "Initiating suicide command." "Wait what!?" She picked up the spear and stabbed her self. "Woah, the hell!?" All I could do was take in the death in front of me.

'No please don't tell me this place is kill or be killed... Of course it is! These mask people are trying to kill us! I'm going to die!' "No no I need to stay alive! This place... Is horrible I need to get out of here. I will live and get out of here or die trying!" Surprisingly, with a new found determination I walked inside pushing to hopefully survive this nightmare.

Yo if you're reading this thanks for giving this fic a chance. I can't find many snipermask x reader fics so I'm just making one. In this y/n is NOT under age NOT in a skirt and NOT helpless. That annoys me so much. Sniper is like 23 so y/n is like 21. No weird age difference. Also I just don't understand going out in a short skirt with out shorts under. But if you wanna imagine it then I'm not stopping you. Rn y/n is a little distraught, you know because of the whole another realm with lots of murder thing but later on she toughens up like all the rest of the characters. I find is so boring to have a helpless, useless y/n in a dangerous situation only to be saved 1000 times. And before you say anything I know the ending of this is a bit forced but I tried and I have plot armor so I works lmao. 😂 yes she has Zach fosters scythe but it looks cool, you can imagine something else if you like. All I ask is you be respectful and if you have an opinion Im always open to constructive criticism. Hope you enjoyed ✌️

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