chapter 6

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One month later
Katelyn is finally back in her apartment after a court battle against Luka. She is starting to set up the spare room as Kelly's nursery when she hears someone knock on her door.
Aph is carrying her newborn Alina when Katelyn opens the door.
"Aph, hi!" She smiles. Aph smiles back, "Hi! Alina and I wanted to come to see you since the last time we hung out was that movie theater date." she blushes lightly. "c-can I come in?" she asks. "Yea, come on in. Do you know how to put a crib together? I have no idea what I'm doing." "No, I don't. Aaron is more of a mechanic than I am." Katelyn nods.

She sits down, holding a sleeping Alina. "So it's been a while since that um hang out or um.. date. Was it a date?" Aph blushes lightly as she realizes she is going on a tangent. "I think it was a date. It was a good date too." Katelyn says. "Oh! I was so nervous about that." she chuckles nervously. I'm so freaking nervous, and I don't know why! I've known her for three years! Ok, calm down, Aph. She notices Katelyn stare at her, studying her expressions. "k-Katelyn? W-what is it?" "Nothing. How's Aaron doing?" She asks. "He is falling in love with this little pup." she rubs Alina's cheek. Alina turns her head towards Aph's fingers. "Lilith is missing you, by the way." "Aww. Well, once Kelly wakes up from her nap, we can head over to your place if that's ok with you?" "She's with my dad. He wanted to see her, so I let him take care of her for about an hour or two." Aph explains. "So what's Aaron doing right now?" Katelyn asks. "He's at work currently. Since Alina was born, I've been doing school online to take care of my little pups." Aph answered. "So, you think you might want to go on an a-another date sometime?" She asks her. Katelyn is about to answer when the baby monitor can hear Kelly's cries. Katelyn quickly goes to Kelly and picks her up. "Shh, hi, baby girl. Good morning." Her voice is soft as she gently rocks her.

There is another knock on the door. "Aph, can you see who that is for me?" Aph nods and answers the door, "Oh, hey, dad! How's my little pup," she asks. "She was good. She took about a five-minute nap, then ran around like crazy the rest of the time." Lilith runs past Aph and runs towards Katelyn. "Mommy!" "Hey, Lilith. How are you doing?" Katelyn says while softly rocking Kelly. "Amazing! Grandpa said you'd let me see you, and I got excited."

Katelyn smiles. Lilith hugs her happily. "Alright, go give mama some love while I change Kelly's diaper, ok?" Lilith nods and runs, hugging Aph. "Finally, I get hugs," Aph smiles. "mama!" Zack smiles, "alright, well, I'm leaving, have a good day." "Bye, Zack," Katelyn says while walking back into the living room. Aphmau shuts the door and sits with Lilith, and opens her laptop, starting her school work.
Alina starts waking up and starts fussing right as she opens an assignment. Lilith springs to help, "big sissy to the rescue!" Katelyn softly rocks the bassinet that Alina is lying in, and Alina falls asleep again. "how'd I do, mommy?" "You did fantastic, Lilith. Aphmau smiles at the cute scene. All this is my kids and my family. Maybe one day Katelyn will be too. Katelyn sits down next to Aph after preparing a bottle for Kelly. "so, do you want to go on a date again sometime, Katelyn?" Katelyn nods. "I would love to, Aph." She smiles after finishing her assignment.
A few hours pass as Aph and Katelyn are cuddling on the couch. Katelyn is starting to doze off due to her not getting enough sleep when Aph's phone rings, waking her up. "Hello?" "Aph, what are you in the mood for dinner? I'm at the store now." "Cuddles with Katelyn. Uh, I mean-" Aaron chuckles. "How does steak sound?" "Yeah, that sounds nice. Pretend I said nothing, by the way." She sees Katelyn holding back a laugh. "I'll have food ready by eight o'clock." "Ok, see you soon." "Bye." He hangs up as Katelyn smiles and stays cuddling her, falling asleep again. "Being a single mother is hard." She mumbles. "I agree.." she mumbled and fell asleep. Katelyn falls asleep as well.
Katelyn awakes to one of the babies crying. She checks the time and shakes Aph awake. She wakes and hears a knock on the door. "Y-yea?" "It's 8:04, and a baby is crying." She nods, standing up and answering the door while Katelyn goes to Kelly's nursery. "Aaron? Hey, come in." She walks back in to pick up Alina. "I felt you fell asleep, so I cooked the steaks and brought them over. She yawns, stretching, "awesome." Katelyn walks back in, holding Kelly and Lilith. "Lilith, who's at the door?" She gently bounces her. "Daddy!" Katelyn puts her down and returns to the couch, still exhausted. Aphmau yawns lightly, holding Alina while Lilith tackles Aaron, jumping. Aaron puts the food on the table and picks up Lilith. "Hi princess," she giggles. "Lilith fell asleep next to Kelly's unassembled crib." "Speaking of which, Aaron, could you-" Aaron cuts her off mid-sentence. "put it together? Yea." Aph smiles. "Katelyn, did you hear that?" She looks over at Katelyn, who has fallen asleep again with Kelly in her arms. "Let's let her sleep." She yawns, sitting next to Katelyn, and Aaron nods. "You want me to put the steak on the coffee table?" She's fallen back to sleep before he finished speaking. "I guess mama and mommy are pretty tired, huh, Lilith? Are you hungry? I got mac and cheese with hot dogs for you" "yay!" She cheers. "Mama has a giant crush on mommy." "Oh, does she?" Aaron says while getting her food put together. "Yeah, they hug a lot. Mama's face turns red a lot too." Aaron smiles and sets Lilith in a small booster seat at the table. "Here's your food, pup. Eat it all, and I'll get you ice cream." He says, "Is daddy sad? Mama isn't hanging out with daddy?" "No, daddy isn't sad. Your mommy makes mama happy, and that's what she deserves." It's a little lonely, but I'm not letting Aph know. She nods and eats half her food. Aaron walks over to Aph and gently takes Alina out of her arms. Aphmau cuddles Katelyn.
Half an hour later, Katelyn wakes up. After she wakes, it wakes Aph up. Aaron is seen in the kitchen on his phone quietly while holding Alina. She stands up, stretching her body. "Hey," Aaron says while keeping Lilith entertained with his phone. "Is that ice cream?" Yeah. She ate her entire plate, so I took her out for ice cream while you were asleep. She looks down, "did I drool on Katelyn!?!" "No, I made sure to wipe your drool every once in a while. She blushes embarrassedly. Alina coos loudly. "Really? Tell me more about what happened." Aaron says while gently tickling Alina. Aphmau smiles, "my cute little girls." "You better eat your steak Aph if you want the ice cream I got you. He shows her favorite ice cream. She yawns and looks over at Katelyn. "Mama and mommy kissing in tree." Aaron covers Lilith's mouth holding back a laugh". Aphmau blushes, "Lilith, whyyy?"
She notices Katelyn laugh. "Hey! You're supposed to be on my side." She pouts. Aaron smiles. "It was cute. That's why I laughed." "Hug me!" She says cutely. "Aph, your ice cream is melting. Might wanna start eating your steak if you don't want me to eat your ice cream." She hugs Katelyn, "I got all the ice cream I need, uh-" "Aph, will you please just eat the steak I cooked for you? You said you wanted steak, so I made you some steak." "Fine..." she drags out. Aaron looks away, feeling like his hard work isn't appreciated. "I appreciate your work, Aaron. I'm just grumpy." She sits down and starts eating after reheating. "I'll be in the car." He walks out of the apartment with Alina feeling a little sad. "Aaron, i-" she sighs, looking down. "He had a long day at work, Aph; maybe he's just tired," Katelyn says. "I'll give him his space." She finishes eating and puts her plate in the sink. "Do you think he'll be ok?" Aph asks. Katelyn nods. "He's most likely exhausted. He works a full-time job and takes care of Lilith and Alina for most of the night." she nods. "Well, it's late. Come on, Lilith, time to go home." "But why mama?" Lilith whines, "Because you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow." She starts getting upset. "No, doctor!" "We have to, baby. Cmon it's. your bedtime." She gets upset and starts throwing a tantrum. Katelyn walks over and picks up Lilith. "Let's get in your car seat, Lilith." Katelyn carries a screaming Lilith to Aaron's truck. Aaron is in the backseat changing Alina's diaper. Aaron finishes changing Alina, gets out of the back seat, and goes to the driver's side. She gets in the truck buckling up a screaming Lilith. Aaron looks in the backseat. "Lilith, why are you upset?" "I told her we need to go home for the d-o-c-t-o-r" "You said the word didn't you?" she nods. Aaron sighs. "Lilith, can you look at daddy?" He says to Lilith. Lilith looks at him, whining. "There will be no pokes, ok? All he's going to do is look at you and say you are very healthy. Because you are a very healthy little girl, that's all that's going to happen, ok?" He says in a calm voice. She nods, calming down. "Bye, Katelyn, have a good night," Aaron says out the window. Aph waves as they drive away. Aaron turns on the radio, and it's the guitar version of eternity. Aphmau keeps her distance throughout the ride.
Once they pull into Aaron's apartment, he looks back and sees Lilith and Alina asleep."Do we want to wake Lilith up or bathe her tomorrow?" He asks, "I don't know; she hates me right now." she unbuckles herself and picks up Lilith bringing her inside."Aph she doesn't hate you. She most likely forgot already." He turns the truck off and grabs Alina's car seat, bringing her inside. "Let's bathe her in the morning. For now, let's put the girls to bed." She nods, tucking Lilith in. Aaron is in the rocking chair with Alina rocking her back to sleep as she has started waking up. Aphmau lies with Lilith.

Word count 1812

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