Poseidon's Unknown Daughter

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---On a random island in the middle of the ocean---

My Name's Kyma. 

I live on an Island. With my mother. 

And with one of my mother's friends and her twin kids. their name's are Artemis and Apollo. I like both of them they're great company. Apollo is great at shooting a bow and Artemis is amazing at hunting. I just cook the food and make things around the island if I can, like today when I made this swinging bed that I had to tie between two trees to keep up, then I got Apollo to try it out, long story short I didn't tie it tight enough and he fell on the ground. Trust me when I say that it was the funniest thing in the world.

Apollo has golden hair, tan skin and bluey-grey eyes. (A/N: I dont really know his eye colour.)

And I'm practicly in love with him

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And I'm practicly in love with him.

Anyway I'm on this island to hide from my father, Poseidon. Artemis and Apollo's mother said that they were hiding from Hera, Zeus's wife since he cheated on Hera with Leto. (Leto is Artemis and Apollo's mother)

Third person POV (A/N: I basically changed to third person by accident and couldn't be bothered changing it at all)

"Hey Ky" Said Apollo for what he thought was the thousandth time that day.

"Hmm... I'm listening" The blue haired Girl said not really listening

"Very well, I was just saying goodbye....." The golden haired  boy trailed of as his best friends head snaped up to look at him, wishing that she had listed earlier to what he had said.

"Wait, what?" Is all that she could say, because the thought of him leaving her was unthinkable, she could hardly breath at the thought.

"You weren't listening," he said not imprest at the thought of her thinking about somthing or someone else, while her was with her. "I said Artie and I have to go get our Godly power today.... and I was saying goodbye."

"So your not leaving forever, just to get your powers and then your coming right back. Right?" It warmed his heart that she wanted him to stay, while at the same time it broke his hear that he had to leave her, to protect her of course. He couldn't have her father finding her and then possably hurting her.

"Don't worry.... I'll come back strait away." He knew that it was a lie but for a moment Apollo thought it was worth it seeing the smile on her face brighten.

"Good." Was all she said. She could feel something off with what he had said, but at the moment she didn't want to read into it. It was most likely nothing anyway, Apollo would never lie to her.


Kyma Pov

"Hey Ky! I'm going to miss you!" That was Artemis my second best friend. After Apollo, of course. I didn't really understand why she would miss me, she would be away for a couple hours tops. unless it took longer then that and I just didn't know. That would make sense I don't know a lot of things, especally to do with gods.

"I'm going to miss you to!" although i don't think it will take that long I still have my worrys about what could go wrong with this becoming a god thing. Right now at the top of my list is one of them - most likely Apollo - will get into a fight and they both get smited.

I could see 'Pollo mouth something to Artie when she pulled me into a hug. he looked worried, like he was telling her not to do or say something that he didn't want her to.

Anyway Artemis has auburn hair, light skin, and gray eyes. (A/N: Imagen the eyes are grey.)

She was gorgeous, she looked the compleate opposite of Apollo but she was beautiful none the less

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She was gorgeous, she looked the compleate opposite of Apollo but she was beautiful none the less.

"Time to go!" Leto called her children giving me a sympethetic look. Okay what's with that look?  I thought to myself as I gave Apollo one last hug and said,

"I love you" as I let go of him, when I wasn't touching him at all he flashed and he wasn't their anymore. 

I ran out of the hut after that just wanting to get some freash air, Well at least he didn't reject me.

All I can do now is wait.


Hello, Welcome to my new book. I hope you liked it. i will try to make the chapters longer but I'm not a very consistent person or writer lol.

if you know the colour of Apollo's eyes can you please tell me. I'd like to know, whenever i search it up different answers come up and I eventully gave up.

Have a Nice Life.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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