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Author's Note

This chapter is unedited. So please excuse any mistakes. However if you do find any mistakes feel free to let me know because once I have completed the book I will come back to edit everything.

The first few chapters will be a little bit boring. Just relax. It's just the introduction. Things will get a lot spicier once all the exposition is out of the way 😀

"Xavier dear hurry up." My mum yelled

"Coming." I grudgingly replied. Swinging my legs from my soft bed. The soft skin of my foot slammed into the cold harsh wood. With every step I took the cold from the floor crept up inching closer and closer to my heart. Eventually I felt my hand grasp onto the shrivelled metal that was the doorknob. As I began to turn the knob I felt it slowly being crushed under my hand. I immediately let go in shock. I stood in horror staring at my hand and then back at the door knob. Silence flooded the room. I couldn't move fear and shock had taken full control over my nervous system. My mum storming into my room broke my trance.
"We'll hurry up then. We are going to be late now." My stated hurrying me along.

"Alright. Alright. What's so important about this event anyway." I questioned hoping to make sense of the urgency that literally appeared yesterday. I mean yesterday my parents were fine. They had went out for there weekly date night but when they got back they looked frantic. They never said why just that this was important.

"Xavier please I'll tell you. I promise but first we need to leave." My mum said quietly and softly.

I could hear the sadness in her voice.
"Mum. How long will we be gone?" I asked.

"Honey. I... I'm sorry." She began to stutter now." We're not coming back. We can't. It's not save." My mum was in tears now but she continued to speak."please let's go. There isn't anymore time." Her muffled voice croaked saying the last bit. Tears streaming down her face. She stared at me. She hugged me tightly I could feel the tears streaming from her eyes.
"I love you. You were the best thing to happen to me. I just wish I could protect you just I little longer." She whispered in my ear before letting go and leaving my room.

I scrambled to get dressed quickly not wanting to see my mum anymore distressed then she already is.

As I darted to the front door I couldn't help but over hear a conversation my parents were having to these two teenagers.

"Please, miss Dark let us take him. It would be safer for everyone." A strangers voice protested.

Firmly my mother said "No. That's final."

"Fine Miss Dark you win. But WE will be right behind you to keep you safe." The stranger snarled.

"That's fine by me. Just don't let my son catch you just yet. I want to tell when we get there." My mums went quieter.

"WHAT YOU HAVEN'T TOLD HIM WHAT HE IS." The stranger roared.

My mum was silent. She couldn't bring herself to look at the stranger. Before I could intervene the stranger walked away. I took my chance and walked out acting like I hadn't heard a word of what they had been saying.

"So is it time to go?" I smiled at my mum. She gave me a faint smile. Just for a second I thought I saw a flare of anger in her eyes before sadness filled the up. She stared at me and stated

"Yes it's time."

We hopped into the car. My mum told me it was a forty minute drive but I could've sworn we had been driving for at least 3 hours already. I could see the almost set sun of in the distance. As sky became darker and darker I felt worried as if something was about to happen. I closed my eyes to get my mind of these thoughts. However that didn't work because once I did I heard voice in my head and girl I had never seen before spoke softly.
"Xavier. Listen to me. You are in danger. If you do as I say I can get you out of this alive."

"Who are you." I said in my mind.

"I'm Alice." The voice spoke.

"And why are you trying to help me." I questioned.

"The others don't believe me but I saw something. I don't know what it is but I have a feeling it's about you. Im trying to help you and your family you have to trust me please." The voice begged.

"Okay." I said. "What do you want me to do." I asked.

"Xavier, but your hands on you parents shoulders and think. Think of a place you want to go. Allow the air to pull you down. Don't fight it. Embrace it." The voice spoke calmly.

I place my hand on my parents shoulders. I thought of being back at home. Nothing. Nothing happened. I probably imagined the girl in my head. Ugh I'm such an idiot. When I opened my eyes I saw the light of truck just as it collided with are car.

It tumbled over and over until it landed on the side of the road upside down. I called out for my parents. Crap I thought they're unconscious.

Then complete darkness.

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