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It has been 1 month since ash started journey in unova as he now has professor juniper Bianca as girlfriends as he has done some ranger missions as caught few pokemon

Ash has caught a snivy tepig oshawott rufflet yamask

He has the striaton city gym badge as he heads to nacrene city to face Lenora

As traveling partner Bianca has joined him

Few days later they arrived and snivy is now serperior oshawott is now samurott and tepig is now emboar rufflet is now braviary yamask is now cofagruis due to constant training

Ash searches them

Overgrow contrary
Level 80
Coil leer hyper beam iron tail leaf blade leaf storm frenzy plant leaf tornado wring out gastro acid vine whip leech seed slam wrap solar beam giga drain mega drain mean look captivate grassy terrain twister pursuit mirror coat sweet Scent natural gift dragon pulse aqua tail worry seed grass pledge bind defog seed bomb outrage knock off calm mind sunny day work up toxic ariel ace dragon tail nature power swords dance energy ball grass knot brutal swing

Torrent shell armor
Level 80
Razor shell liquidation hydro pump hydro cannon ice beam revenge aqua jet mega horn water sport water gun retaliate slash water pulse focus energy encore aqua tail swords dance air slash assurance brine copycat detect night slash trump card sacred sword water pledge icy wind iron tail superpower hyper beam double team ariel ace false swipe scald giga impact dragon tail smart strike surf waterfall grass knot

Blaze reckless
Level 80
Flamethrower fire blast overheat heat crash wild charge fire punch flare blitz flame charge hammer arm arm thrust superpower odor sleuth defense curl smog rollout fire pledge blast burn assurance head smash roar burn up endeavor heavy slam magnitude sucker punch thrash yawn focus punch iron head iron tail stomping tantrum thunder punch zen headbutt work up toxic bulk up solar beam earthquake bulldoze sunny day smack down fling brick break rock tomb hyper beam giga impact scald gyro ball poison jab grass knot

Sheer force keen eye defiant
Level 80
Ariel ace steel wing quick attack whirlwind tailwind superpower hone claws peck sky attack wing attack slash air slash crush claw defog brave bird thrash dual wingbeat facade hyper beam giga impact sunny day Rock tomb retaliate shadow claw zen headbutt bulk up close combat iron head work up hurricane fury attack pluck sky drop

Level 80
Shadow ball phantom force dark pulse shadow claw night shade astonish haze crafty shield will-o-the-wisp disable guard split power split hex mean look curse destiny bond memento poltergeist hyper beam giga impact safeguard sunny day rain dance revenge power swap guard swap imprison trick room wonder room psychic energy ball iron defense calm mind toxic spikes nasty plot zen headbutt grass knot

Ash smiles proudly

To be continued

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