Chapter 3: The Nerd off

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Lesson 3-2

Another night of no sleep... I can't get that voice out of my head... I head for the staircase again. And just like before there was Lucifer "What's going on, Celeste? Out for a stroll? I keep running into you here, don't I? It seems that you are really curious about what's at the top of this staircase. Unless I'm mistaken, I believe I told you that it's not a place humans have any business going. If you can't sleep, perhaps I should make you some tea? Something that will help you have a good night's sleep. You should probably know that it's a bit too effective on humans, to the point you may find that you never wake up again. You get what I'm saying here, right? Go back to your room. Goodnight, Celeste."

What is that guy's deal? Does he not hear the voice? Is he the reason for the voice? I guess I won't be able to reach the top of that staircase unless something is done about Lucifer...

The next morning I was alone with Mammon at breakfast. I was far too curious about the stairs to really be paying attention to what he was babbling about. I wonder "Hey Mammon, where's Satan?"

"Hell if I know. As if I care where that goody two-shoes is. Hey, pay attention when I'm talkin' to ya, dunce! Or do those ears of yours not work?! Anyway, I'm sure the others have already scurried off to class and left me to look after ya on my own, the punks. Dammit. They're all rotten, every last one of 'em. This all comes back to Lucifer! Getting stuck having to look after a human, ending up in a pact, everything bad is his fault!"

"You complain a lot..." Now that I think about it maybe he knows what's up there talking to me "Hey, what's at the top of the stairs?"

"HEY, I TOLD you to LISTEN to me when I'm TALKIN' to you! I was tryin' to tell you about Lucifer's fe- ...Wait, what stairs? Are you talkin' about the stairs that lead up to the attic? Oh man, there you go again, stickin' your nose where it doesn't belong..."

Lesson 3-4

"Now listen, do you know the secret to getting people to tell you stuff? Go ahead, tell me."

"Well for you it's obviously money"

"EXACTLY! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! I guess you DO get it! If ya wanna pry valuable information outta someone, you've got to offer 'em proper compensation! Wait a second... Uh-oh, I know what this is about! You tried to climb those stairs, but Lucifer stopped you, right? That's totally it, isn't it? Well, then there's something you really need to get straight now. If you think you can just offer Mammon here a little bit of money and he'll spill the beans, you're dead wrong. I mean, pretend I told you somethin' I shouldn't. Lucifer would beat me half to death. Actually, I'd be lucky if that's all he did. If I WEREN'T lucky he'd have me eliminated. It'd take a good two hundred million years to recover from that. Still, if you're bound and determined to buy this information off of me... Then you'll have to offer me, let's see... How about the monetary equivalent of the world's total oil production? Two hundred million years' worth. That might do it. In other words, I ain't gonna tell ya. Is that clear enough for ya, blockhead?"

" really are a scared little bitch aren't cha?"

"WHAT?! Whoa, what'd you just say? You think I'M actually scared of Lucifer?! Me, the Avatar of Greed? You've gotta be kidding! I'm not the least bit afraid of him, got it? Not even a little!"

"Okay enough of your big bad bull. Be honest, you're scared of him for real aren't you?"

"I told you, I'm not! I mean, that's crazy! Listen now, most of the time, I don't let people see the full extent of my power! What I'm sayin' is that even if I did face off against someone like Lucifer, I wouldn't even have to use all my strength to win! Understand?!"

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