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With your chin tucked over your knees, you swayed gently to the soothing melody resounding softly through the speaker of Beomgyu's studio. Listening to music surely was to some people, a mere, casual activity. But there was something about sharing the songs that comforted you with someone.

That someone being a person that magically had the same effect of that one song, their presence a soft blow on your scars, a band aid gently applied to your aching cuts. Putting on a song to you dear, was something that rendered you extremely giddy, just because Beomgyu was sitting next to you, swinging side to side on his swivel chair.

"this one reminds me of you," you had murmured softly, shyly avoiding to look at him while pressing play from your phone. The best friend eyed you curiously from underneath his lashes, something glistening in his eyes as soon as the gentle noise of the sea caressing the shore feathered.

I want to stay by the sea, watching it turn into red, sat down with the people

You could only be reminded of why this boy was so much like the song playing. A song about a beautiful place that feels just like home. A place with the most mesmerising sunsets, with the warmest company. A place you never want to leave.

You could only nervously gnaw at your lip as you waited for the lyrics to sink into his pretty little head, if it ever would.

Listen through this song
Moon is slowly rising
I see the trees are moving
Sky is brighten, through the moon

Your heartbeat was echoing in your ears, drumming like the base of a speaker against your chest, begging to be set free as you laid your gaze on anything but him. You were too flustered, too afraid that you were embarassing yourself more than anything else. It was the way that you could feel his gaze burning on your cheek that made you find interest in your growing nails, picking at them relentlessly.

It happened too quickly, his moves were slow yet ever so blurry in your wavering view as you felt yourself being pushed backwards. Beomgyu had grabbed the back of your chair and drawn it closer to himself. Your breath lost itself somewhere far within your lungs as he with ease made you face him. Lips caught in the nervous cage of your teeth, you still couldn’t find it in yourself to meet his gaze. But the best friend did not mind your shy antics, all too engrossed in the lyrics that had caressed his heart. Pushing him to come closer, to close any distance there had ever been.

The soft voice singing was still floating in the air,  its soft words like the feathering motion of a thread tying itself around your hearts, bringing them closer.

The cherry red color of Beomgyu’s hoodie came first into your view, then next were his hooded orbs lazily gazing into yours for a few moments before dropping to your lips as he leaned away from the back-rest of his chair, entering your personal space.

You barely had time to register the fluffy scent of his newly washed clothing clouding your senses, for what you felt next was something even softer. Beomgyu’s eyelashes fluttered against your cheek as his eyes dropped close, his pillowy lips placing themselves gently between yours. The small, surprised gasp leaving your mouth allowed him deeper as he tilted his head and captured your lower lip within his, kissing you slowly.

You were stunned, hence you had no idea if you were dreaming or not, but you dared not to question the moment, closing your eyes as well and pressed yourself closer to him, earning his soft palm to cradle the side of your neck, fingertips caressing your cheeks and jaw.

Your breaths became one single source of air as your lips detached with a low sound. The boy leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed and you couldn’t help but stare at his swollen pillows. Though, your attention was soon swooped by his deep voice breathing out sincere confessions to you.

"I love you too," he murmured against your cheek, and your heart skipped a huge beat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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