Chapter 2

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So, here's the deal – I had to run now, and it wasn't the appropriate time to be running. What wasn't appropriate about it, you ask? Well, I am currently wearing a dress and heels, and you can't run in heels. Who runs in heels?! I would rather run naked through a forest than run in heels, and that is the truth.

What am I running from, you ask? A traitor. Yes, that's the best way to put it. A traitor. You see, my mother, when I was born, kind of signed off my life to these certain people because she owed them too many debts. And not just the money kind. I'm kind of at a loss honestly because if I were to sit you down and explain everything I had to go through to make sure I was never introduced to those people, you would probably call it a hoax. None of it would seem real to you, but I can assure you, it is all very, VERY real.

And no, before you ask, my mother wasn't a prostitute, witch, or in any cults or gangs. She was a part of this business. What business? I have no idea. All I know is that these people are after me. I guess I'll figure it all out sooner or later. I would rather it be later, but, you know, time doesn't follow these people's schedules.

I had to take off my heels, and since my feet were so used to the elevation, I had to hop around a little bit to get used to the flatness. Getting used to it took longer than I was expecting, and it was really wasting what little time I had left. I had already left seven states in the past year, and I really liked the place I was in now. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay long in any area unless these people were dead, which wasn't going to be very likely. I don't have many friends that would cover my back. I don't have friends, period. I don't have anyone or, really, much of anything, which makes it easier to leave, I suppose. Last time I had a friend, well, we'll get to that later. I don't want you to think of me as a liar because if you read the first page of this book, you would most likely understand that I am NOT a liar. I am simply surviving.

I have run into an alleyway from the building I was preoccupied in. What was I preoccupied with? A ball. A ball for something, I can't quite remember. I haven't really paid attention; it was just simply a getaway. I thought it would be fun. But now it is not, and I really wished that my dress had shorts built-in so I could unzip the waist and shimmy out of it. I am not good at planning things. You would think I would be better because of my situation, but I suck at it. I suck at many things, those many things you will learn very quickly. Unfortunate for me, but I guess fortunate for you. Just don't tell those people, please; I don't want them knowing my weaknesses.

Running through alleyways in the evening was not as terrible as running through them at the darkest of night. There are terrible things and even people that reside in these alleys, and it's best to stick to the light of the sun if you wish to wander about. Well, I shouldn't say "wandering." Oh well, you'll think what you think. Running barefoot is awful. I am running over rocks, and broken glass, and who knows what else. Good thing I have a hidden stash of emergency things, including money and first aid.

"Are you lost?" I hear a lady say. "Do you need help?" Me? Please lady, get ahold of yourself. It's not every day you see a blond-headed girl in a long red dress-gown-thingy running down an alleyway. Take heed of this moment because you might never get it again.

Finally out of the alley, I have come across a street. You can hear people hollering and doing what they may, but only one male voice sticks out to me in particular. Naturally, he comes out from behind a car, wearing all black. He has black hair and these really peculiar green eyes. He's been after me since I, well, more on that later.

"Hello, beautiful killer," he says to me. There's more to those lines than you think. I'm no killer. Well, not entirely.

You see, it all started out when I was 16. Remember that friend I told you about? Well, she kind of died. Short story is, we got in a car crash in our attempt to get away, and she didn't make it. The one utmost reason I try to stay away from people, because I'm just going to hurt them. I can't take on that responsibility anymore.

"I would rather you didn't call me that. You of all people know it was an accident."

"Yes, but you were the driver," he winks at me maliciously. I'm being targeted, and he knows that I'm taking the bait. It's not like I mean to, trust me. I already know there's more Midons with him because he never travels alone. He likes to have company. Personally, I hate the guy and everything he stands for, only because I blame him for Merdock's accident.

"Look, I'm going to run and attempt, for the millionth time, to go off the grid. If you find me, you know I'll just keep repeating this never-ending cycle that could have been avoided if Mother never made a deal with you." He chuckles. My feet are poised, but I don't know where else to go. I assess my area, knowing that if I go back through this alley, his henchmen will be waiting for me.

So, because I have nothing better to do, I find the sharpest thing I can find on the ground and chuck it at him. Thankfully, it hits him in the face, a sharp cry echoing from him. The minute he drops, I run full speed past him, making sure to get in a good push to stall his movement.

Only to be stopped by Laurits, his Second-in-Command. Stupid Laurits. He doesn't even know why he's fighting me; he only knows that he has to. He's the same age as me with the same black hair as his boss. Instead of green eyes, he has blue. Fortunately, they're not related. "Jesus H. Christ!" I exclaim. "Why couldn't you just have let me pass?" I grit through my teeth. He smiles lazily, his grip on my arms unnecessarily strong.

"Look, why don't we just have ourselves a little chat? I've missed my pretty killer,"

"First off, I'm not a killer! How many times do I have to tell you?! Second off, I like the compliment. Now please just let me go, and you can have some more fun chasing me around all of the U.S. I've run through at least 7 states already. How about 43 more?" I love taunting him because it's so much fun to see his gears turn, but he's not affected this time. This time, he's actually serious, which is so freaking scary.

"Let's not play mind games. Let's just have our little chat and get it over with. Do you even know why you're running?" He questions me. He's formal but he can be brutal at times.

"I- I don't think I truly know. All I know is I'm running from a pack of wild animals who don't know how to hunt properly." Kicking him in the shin, his grip on me slackens. But as I try to run, he grapples my wrist, pulling as hard as he can towards him to get me on the ground. Getting thrown on the ground hurts so much, not even just physically, but it's internal as your lungs are devoid of air for a solid 15 seconds. Oh no, he's going to hurt her! Please, dear reader, get your head straight. He's not even trying.

Once I'm on the ground, I reluctantly stay down. I don't want to be in this situation. In a different reality, I'd be in my hideaway shelter eating Macaroni and Cheese. But this isn't that reality.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here," Another Midon says. God, I hate these people.

"Jokes on you, it took you longer to catch me this time." I laugh halfheartedly before getting a kick to the ribs, suddenly gasping for air. Obviously, they don't think the situation is funny. I wouldn't either if I were chasing a 19-year-old runaway for a business that's apparently important enough to kill for.

"Look, I'm only going to say this once: you either come with us, or we kill you. It's simple enough. I'm tired of games,"

"Well, yes, you would be. You've been playing them for over a decade." I cough as I'm shoved into the ground with a heavy boot. "Okay," I wheeze. "Okay, I won't resist. I'd rather live, thank you very much." As the boot lets off, I take my time getting to my feet. I was still recovering my breathing from getting kicked in the ribs. Oh, good times.

Laurits, the only one I actually trusted in this whole ordeal, cuffs my wrists and leads me down the road. It took five minutes before we actually came across their cars. They were really good at hiding in plain sight, and it took what felt like forever for Laurits to find his car. Once we finally found it, he led me to the backseat, unlocking my cuffs just so he could cuff my arms up to the handle above the seat.

"Is this really necessary? What, are you afraid I'm going to strangle you or something?" I asked him.

"Actually," he answered. "That's exactly what I'm afraid of. You're not a shoddy fighter, but I'm not taking a chance of you getting away again. Sorry, not sorry." Shutting my door, he moves around to get into the driver's side and started the car. He made sure he pushed the lock button multiple times just to be sure, which I thought for certain was a symptom of paranoia. When the car started moving, I made sure to make a mental note of all of the places we passed so if I needed to, I'd be able to come back. I'm really going to miss this place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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