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You had the perfect life- you were an only child, had a few close friends, and your parents made enough at their hero agency fighting crime and saving others with their unique quirks for your family to live somewhat comfortably. Your mother had a quirk that let her change other peoples' emotions - which she nearly normally just used to make villains feel instantly terrified/ paranoid and make them want to run away towards your father, who was able to manipulate the size of anything he touched and used his power to make cups/ baskets/ etc big enough to throw them at a criminal and be used as a temporary mini jail until the authorities arrived. You were assumed to have been quirkless, but you didn't mind. It was perfectly fine for you- because there were plenty of amazing hero's out there that you looked up to- like your loving parents - so you were sure that your loved ones would always be safe and would come back you you - or so you thought.

It was a cold, stormy night in the middle of fall, and a severe thunderstorm was raging throughout the city. It definitely was not a natural storm- the announcers on the news station were sure it had to be a villain with an electrical or weather-manipulating quirk who was behind the loud storm. You were at your uncles' house as your parents were out trying to apprehend the villain that was causing the raging storm. You sat on the floor in front of the small television set like you always did since you were little- with your legs crossed holding your favorite stuffed animal tightly and waiting to see your parents confident smiles pictured on the tv, signaling their victory over whichever villain they were apprehending at the time. This time, however, something different happened. The loud ding from the nearby oven timer went off, causing you to look towards the kitchen where your uncle was making supper for you.
"Y/N, supper is ready!" You ran in excitement, nearly tripping over own two feet on the way, but thankfully your uncle was walking past you on the way to the living room at the time and used the flexible bandages he always had around his neck to stop you from falling onto your face. "S-sorry uncle 'Zawa!" As you regained your footing and quickly jolted into the kitchen towards the smell of freshly made chicken and rice. You grabbed yourself a plate that your uncle already had prepared for you and went back into the living room, stuffing your face and leaving a trail of crumbs in the hallway as you went. The television was no longer on the news channel, instead your uncle had switched it to a popular kids show that he knew you had liked. "Uncle 'Zawa, what happen to the TV?" You asked politely- wondering why he changed the channel before you could see your parents fight the bad guy and win. Your uncle was standing facing the TV set with his mouth open in shock. It took him a moment for him to realize you had even come back into the room. "You're going to stay here for a while? Okay? Your parents are going to be away for a bit.." he said in a serious tone, fidgeting with the bandages around his neck between his fingers while trying to keep calm- for your sake. "Okay!" You said, happy to get more time to hang out with your 3rd favorite hero - Eraserhead -while your parents were away.
Being so young- so naive- you couldn't tell anything was wrong. Your uncle Aizawa was usually very calm under pressure. Normally it was hard for you to understand other peoples' emotions when they tried so hard to hide them like he did.
Nearly a week had passed and you began to worry- not hearing so much as a phone call from them after their confrontation with the lightning manipulating villain. Your uncle had to go to work that day, but you were a good kid so he wasn't worried about you getting into trouble when he left you alone that day. You woke up later in the morning, walked out into the living room and turned on the television. You turned on the local news channel and saw.. an image of your parents? It was painted on a wall in the middle of the city, surrounded by a pile of flowers and dimly lit candles along the bottom. You were excited at first, thinking that this meant they had succeeded and had just needed more time than usual to capture the villain and that's why they weren't coming home. You were wrong, however. The camera panned out and showed a crowd of people that looked to be.. crying? That can't be right. Your parents are heroes, after all. Why would they be so sad? There had only been silence coming from the tv until a reporter broke it - "It's been nearly a week since the city has lost two of its best pro heroes.." the rest of the words the reporter said just sounded muffled as the previous words hit you.. "Lost? Where did they go?" You wondered- shutting off the tv hoping that maybe your uncle could explain it to you when he got home later.
Hours slowly passed as you sat in the living room playing with the soft strands of carpet beneath you. The front doorknob made a clicking noise and opened up. You jumped to your feet and ran to the door to greet your uncle. "Uncle Zawa! Where did mommy and daddy go? The lady on the tv says they are lost? Are they okay?" You asked frantically, waving your arms around anxiously, wondering what was going on. "Y/N... your parents.. they.." he started to say something but hesitated at the last few words that he was trying to get out, but didn't know how. "They... won't be coming back.." he said as he let out a deep sigh as he kneeled on the carpet in front of you, with one hand on your shoulder as a tear ran down your face. "Wh-what do you mean uncle 'Zawa? They have to come home! They always come home!" You said, your eyes beginning to swell up with tears. "I know.. but not this time, sweetie.." he says, sniffling and starting to tear up himself as he leans in to give you a consoling hug. You hug your uncle tightly and close your eyes as you become overwhelmed with sadness and the realization finally hits you - they're gone.
It's been a few years since the accident. You've stayed up every night, eventually crying yourself to sleep. Every night your uncle Aizawa tries to comfort you - but no matter how many toys he gets you or how many happy stories about your parents he reads to you, you still feel the same. You wake up one morning, puffy-eyed, and walk down to the kitchen to see your uncle reading a letter with a gold seal on the back of it. "What's that, Uncle Aizawa?" You question. "Oh, it's a letter from that hero school, UA" you feel a slight smile creep onto your cheeks and walk over to him to see what the letter says. "What's it say?" You ask curiously- wondering what the school your parents and him went to is doing sending a letter to him. "They want me to be a teacher." He says, somewhat excitedly. You had never seen him get that happy over something. Not in a long time. " That's awesome!" You say, trying to be supportive for him- even though this means you will have less time with him and more time sad and alone as he reached at the school in the next city over. He must have noticed the slight frown you accidentally let show, because he turned to you and put his hands on your shoulders and looked at you consolingly. "Y/N, it'll be okay, you can come with me! You're about to be in high school anyways so it'll be perfect!" He says happily. You let out a small sign and look at him, confused. "But.. I don't have a quirk. How could they let me in?" He smiled and showed me the last part of the letter. "Y/N is absolutely welcome to come with you to the school and be taught with the others. We are looking forward to seeing the two of you next Wednesday for orientation!" You feel a smile return to your face and look back up at your uncle. "Wow. I wonder why they'd want someone without a quirk?" You say- very surprised by the contents of the letter. "Hey, you're a good kid and you have a kind heart, despite everything that's happened to you, and even without powers you are still ready and willing to help others. They would be grateful to have you attend their school - quirk or no quirk" you smile softly and thank him for his kind words. He always knew how to say the right thing, that's why you're glad you were able to stay with him all these years after your parents' tragic accident. You sat with him and watched tv all day- besides the times when you were helping him make lunch and dinner. You started to wonder about all the new people you would soon meet. Whether they would accept you for being quirkless or not. You decided not to worry as it was still over a week until orientation and didn't want to stress yourself out about it.

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