Word Definitions

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Here Are all the words that I used and (extras) in the story that were Japanese:

Gomen ne ————————————————————— Sorry

Arigato ——————————————————————— Thank you

Arigato Gosaimas————————————————- Thank you Very much

Jaa ne ———————————————————————- Bye

Iya —————————————————————————— An exclamation of disgust

Iyada ———————— "I don't want to do it" or "I don't want to see"(disgust or fear)

Oi ——————————————————————————- English "Hey!"

Sugoi ———————————————————————— "cool!" or "wow!"

baka ————————————————————————-  "stupid" or "idiot"

Ano.. ————————————————————————- umm

Betsuni ——————————————————————- not really" or "nothing"

Daijoubu —————————————————————- I'm ok

Faito! ———————————————————————— Fight

Matte ———————————————————————— Wait up!

(chotto) matte —————————————————— wait

matte kudasai ——————————————————- wait (polite)

Hai —————————————————————————— Okay

Okasan ——————————————————————— Mum, Mom, Mother

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